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$Desktop Metal Inc.(DM)$ 
转发自“Desktop Metal Is Worth a Deeper Look As a Long-Term Play”桌面金属作为一个长期的游戏值得更深入的研究
Just to give readers a better idea of the breadth of the company’s customers I’ll throw out some of its customers.Cartier, the watch and jewelry company, uses its machines. So too do tire companyContinental, defense industry leaderLockheed Martin(NYSE:LMT), andAspenDental.
只是为了让读者更好地了解该公司客户的广度,我将抛出一些客户。 卡地亚手表和珠宝公司使用它的机器。轮胎公司也是如此 大陆,国防工业领袖 洛克希德马丁(纽约证交所: LMT),以及 杨树.