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Benjamin Graham's 10 Rules for Stock Selection

Here's the list that Graham came up with. The idea behind the rules is that the first five measure "reward" (by pinpointing a low price in relation to key operating results like earnings) and the second five "risk" (by measuring financial soundness and stability of earnings).

1.An earnings-to-price yield at least twice the AAA bond rate

2.P/E ratio less than 40% of the highest P/E ratio the stock had over the past 5 years

3.Dividend yield of at least 2/3 the AAA bond yield

4.Stock price below 2/3 of tangible book value per share

5.Stock price below 2/3 of Net Current Asset Value

6.Total debt less than book value

7.Current ratio great than 2

8.Total debt less than 2 times Net Current Asset Value

9.Earnings growth of prior 10 years at least at a 7% annual compound rate

10.Stability of growth of earnings in that no more than 2 declines of 5% or more in year end earnings in the prior ten years are permissible.







2017-02-15 14:11


2017-02-09 03:57


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2017-02-04 07:32