还没搞清楚就涨了 的讨论

发布于: 雪球回复:5喜欢:0

U.S. authorities in February had approved storage and transport of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at standard freezer temperatures of -15 to -25 degrees Celsius for up to two weeks instead of the ultra-cold temperatures between -80 to -60 degrees Celsius it usually requires.




原文  standard freezer temperatures of -15 to -25 degrees Celsius, 我理解就是前文的normal fridge temperatures===standard freezer temperatures

U.S. authorities in February had approved storage and transport of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at standard freezer temperatures of -15 to -25 degrees Celsius for up to two weeks instead of the ultra-cold temperatures between -80 to -60 degrees Celsius it usually requires

您这个文章里说Europe’s drug regulator on Monday recommended extending the storage time for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at normal fridge temperatures

第一句就说了Normal Fridge temperature了。。。

我也理解是实质利好, 就是为了严谨起见, 今天的新闻啊,链接 网页链接
