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卡尔·马克思(Karl Marx)是一位德国哲学家和经济学家,以其关于共产主义和社会主义的著作而闻名,他一生中对俄罗斯持批评态度。马克思批评俄国的专制制度和封建经济制度,他认为这阻碍了俄罗斯社会主义革命的发展。
Karl Marx, a German philosopher and economist who is best known for his works on communism and socialism, did have critical views of Russia during his lifetime. Marx was critical of the Russian autocracy and the country's feudal economic system, which he saw as hindering the development of a socialist revolution in the country.
In his work "The Communist Manifesto," co-authored with Friedrich Engels, Marx wrote that Russia was a "semi-barbaric" country that was characterized by "crude communism" and a "ruling bureaucracy." He argued that the feudal economic system in Russia, which was dominated by wealthy landowners, was an obstacle to the development of a socialist revolution and that the country needed to undergo a period of capitalist development before it could achieve a socialist revolution.


05-23 14:17

