⑤④ Recommend book of《The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People》

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This book definitely a greatest book I’ve read ,and I recommend this book to you.There's   a way lead you to own a better life,it's never too late to read.

The book of the 《7 habits》 was writed by Steven R Covey.I've read two times.The first is the chinese version.The second is the English version.Everytime I could gets the new knowledge learnt from this book.

The enviroment outside changed a lot everyday cause the society develop so fast in the mordern time.Many people live under all kinds of anxiety and pressure.Sometimes it’s really hard.How to make your heart feel safey and peaceful under this situation? The question is creat yourselves principle,it likes a boat’s anchor.When the strong wind coming ,the boat maybe flow away ,but move aroud the anchor you always can find it.This book tells us how to creat your’s life principle in a useful way,which includes seven habits.

Habits really important for everyone,why?Sow a thought,reap a action.Sow an action,reap a habit.Sow a habit,reap a character.Sow a character,reap a destiny.It maxim goes.

Habit 1 Be Proactive,Habit 2 Begin with the end in mind,Habits 3 Put first things first,Habit 4 Think win-win,Habit 5 seek first to understand,and then to be understood,Habit 6 synergize,Habit 7 sharpen the saw.It inludes three steps, from dependence to independence and then interdenpendece.

Every habits important and necessary.

Be proactive means that you need to do it immediately and keep positive.No matter the thing is you like or not,if you like it you will do better,or you will find what you are favoriate.

Begin with the end in mind it means you consistently to practice to reach your goal ,after one month and one year,till ten years ,you will find you stand the highest moutain and you can’t image it at first.First you need to spend much time to think what the guy you want to be and what value you want to creat for your family ,friends and the enviroment you lived.

Put the first things first means once you get a goal,you need to go along the way you planned.There is many things happened everyday.Think about ten things need to complete in a day,how to make you work much more effectively?The answer is divide it in four parts and put theⅢ part things in the first list to do always.And then let your team to do another parts.Trainning your team member untill they can do 80% of your job or more.Standby the side when they did his job,creat them and give them the right method if they don’t have enough skill to good control of his job.This habit helps you to be a good leadship of a team.To say “yes” to part Ⅲ,you have learn to say “no” to other avtivities,sometimes the urgent things.Effective management is putting the first thing first,day by day,year by year.Take a few minutes to review your schedule can put you touch with the valued-based decisions you made.

NOT importand but urgent

Import and urgent

Not import and not urgent

Import and not urgent

Think win-win means always think make the cake bigger then all of the team member could get the bigger part.Always throw in your’s emotional account,sometimes you need withdrwal from it.Make it balanced.It helps you much easier to carry out your work.No deal always a option when we can’t find a solution that benefite both of us.

Seek first to understand,and then to be understood.We build the foudation of win-win relationships.The rust,the emotional bank account, is the essence of the win-win.Without trust,the best we can do is compromise.Communication is the most important skills in life.People are tender ,sensitive inside,the age and experience don’t make much differentce.Someday you suddenly run into your classmate that have’t meet ten year’s ,but you are feel familiar with it because earlier deposite still there.Integrity is different from the honsty.Hoynest is tell the truth what it is .Intergrity is insist your principle,treat everyone by the same of principle.As you do ,people will trust you.As our employee ,we can talk to them once a month ,to know them,to understand them.

Synegize means one plus one equivalent to 3 or 10,maybe 100.Completing the thing by yourself creat the limited value,but lead a team can creat more.

Sharpen your saw means you write your principle and do it.Sharpen the saw from three dimensions ,the phsycal, the spritual ,the mental.Covey commend to spend one hour a day everyday doing it,one hour a day for the rest of your life. We plan to running ,even it is a raining day,do it anyway.I get to develop my willpower as well as my body.The personal mission statement is so importrant that we can deeply undertand our inner and our purpose,it can review it and recommit frequently.

Peace of mind comes when your life is harmony with true principles and values.Your economic security does not lie in your job,it lies your own power to think,to produce,to creat,to adapt.There is true financial independence.it’s not having wealth;it’s having the power to produce wealth,it’s instrinsic.

We all have a public life,private life,and an inner life.Our public life is what others observe.Our private life if what we do when we are alone.Our inner life is the place we go to when we really want to examine our motives and our deepest desires.Covey highly recommend developing this inner life.

My mission state as follows:

1、Accountant exam due to    August 20th

2、Read an English book every quarter

3、Continue to pay 1688 annual fee and decorate

4、Weekly communicate with daughter

5、2h running per week,or four times gym indoor (200 pcs two kinds of sport)

6、Writing an article per week

7、Planning MPacc of SUFE