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⭐pundits should always be ignored.

After all, if they could reliably predict tomorrow's winners, would they freely share their valuable insights and thereby increase competitive buying?

That would be like finding gold and then hanging a map to the neighbors showing its location.


⭐忽略net income的每年波动,而要去关注operating earnings。

因为net income包含了unrealized capital gains or losses波动较大,短期看没有意义。

看财报别太在意net income,因为包含unrealized capital gains/losses,波动随市场涨跌较大。

而要关注operating earnings是否每年增长。


⭐America has been a terrific country for investors.

All they have needed to do is sit quietly, listening to no one.




⭐We particularly favor the rare enterprise that can deploy additional capital at high returns in the future.

Owning only one of these companies--and simply sitting tight--can deliver wealth almost beyond measure.

Even heirs to such a holding can sometimes live a lifetime of leisure.

谁不想live a lifetime of leisure?

⭐managing Berkshire is mostly fun and always interesting.



⭐not-so-secret Weapon
occasionally, markets or the economy will cause stocks and bonds of some large and fundamentally good businesses to be strikingly mispriced.


Speed of communication and the wonders of technology facilitate instant worldwide paralysis, and we have come a long way since smoke signals.

Such instant panics won't happen often--but they will happen.
We did not predict the time of an economic paralysis,but we are always prepared for one.



⭐ RULE: never risk permanent loss of capital!
Thanks to American tailwind and the power of compound interest, the arena in which we operate has been-and will be - rewarding, if you make a couple of good decisions during a lifetime and avoid serious mistakes.



⭐timeless essentials of our world

什么是 永恒的 必需品?

⭐Such repurchases work to increase your participation in every asset Berkshire owns.

回购 本质上 帮你增加 持有的份额比例


⭐When you find a truly wonderful business, stick with it. (🐰紧紧抱着它 别卖)



Patience pays, and one wonderful business can offset the many mediocre decisions that are inevitable.


⭐Berkshire continues to hold its passive and long-term interest in five very large Japanese companies.

被动 长期 持有日本五大商社

⭐Neither Greg and I believe we can forecast market prices of major currencies.


⭐Berkshire will always attempt to be accurate in its estimates of future loss payments but inflation--both monetary and the "legal" variety-is a wild card.

