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@ice_招行谷子地 怎么看?到2024年,中国最大的银行将面临9400亿美元的资金短缺

China’s Biggest Banks Face $940 Billion Capital Shortage by 2024

Bloomberg News

2020年8月26日 GMT+8 下午12:33

标准普尔全球评级(S&P Global Ratings)称,中国四大贷方正面临着数万亿元人民币的资金缺口,以满足全球资本要求,这些要求旨在保护公众和金融体系免受大规模银行倒闭的影响。

China’s four largest lenders are facing a funding gap in the trillions of yuan to meet global capital requirements designed to protect the public and the financial system against massive bank failures, according to S&P Global Ratings.


Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Bank of China Ltd., China Construction Bank Corp. and Agricultural Bank of China Ltd., all considered globally-systematically important banks, last year had a total shortage of 2.25 trillion yuan ($323 billion) to comply with the total-loss absorbing capacity, S&P said in a report on Wednesday. The may grow to as much as 6.51 trillion yuan by 2024 as the pandemic erodes their earnings capacity, the ratings firm said.

标准普尔分析师迈克尔·黄(Michael Huang)在报告中表示:“四大银行与全球亏损吸收标准的同步对投资者而言是一个关键主题,因为这会影响资本结构,融资成本以及重要的是提供超常支持的机制。”

“The Big Four banks’ synchronization with global loss-absorbing standards is a key topic for investors, because it influences capital structure, the cost of funding, and importantly, the mechanism for extraordinary support,” S&P analyst Michael Huang wrote in the report.


Combined earnings at China’s more than 1,000 commercial banks slumped the most in at least a decade in the second quarter as bad loans climbed to record. The big state-owned banks were among the hardest hit as they were called on by the government to salvage the economy and help struggling small businesses. The authorities have urged lenders to raise funds and strengthen capital buffers.


Global systemically important banks, or G-SIBs, in emerging markets must have liabilities and instruments available to “bail in” the equivalent to at least 16% of risk-weighted assets by Jan. 1, 2025, rising to 18% in 2028, according to the Financial Stability Board, created by the Group of 20 nations. Banks in developed markets met the first phase in 2019.


That time line could be accelerated under certain conditions. Chinese banks have been behind the rest of the world in terms of implementation.

—查理·朱和Jun Luo 协助