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2019 中国经济报道 bloomberg 摘录笔记(4)

Finally, Chinese banks are under enormous pressure. Bank of China Ltd. has announced plans to sell as much as 40 billion yuan ($5.8 billion) of perpetual bonds; other banks are considering raising 100 billion yuan each. Only in November, the central bank’s financial stability report declared Chinese bank capital “abundant.” With new loans outpacing new deposits by 13 percent in 2018, how the government recapitalizes a strained banking sector will be a major theme in the coming year. This matters because authorities will struggle to carry out fiscal stimulus as long as banks are capital-constrained.


Stimulus would provide some short-term relief, though at the cost of setting back a deleveraging process that’s essential to the Chinese economy’s long-term health.


Every year the challenges for Beijing get bigger, yet the responses only delay the reckoning rather than addressing the problem. Never underestimate China’s ability to sustain growth, but don’t expect solutions. Increasingly expensive palliatives look the more likely route in 2019
