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大卫 威尔库克 2019大事件 预言

David Wilcock Predicts Some Very Big Events Coming Up in 2019

威尔库克不是金融人士(据说他是Edgar Cayce的再世)他预言了2019西方世界的金融危机,。摘录自访谈节目,所以语言很口语化

What it looks like it's going to be now is another 2008 style economic collapse, it's economic collapse, it's probably gonna be really scary for a while thers's gonna be a lot of fear, the Euro will most likely collapse, the dollar will most likely collapse, and people have been asking me what should... if it hasn't happened yet and you stocks it may be a good idea to sell them but I'm not giving you financial advice; if you still have stocks and the crash is taking place, don't panic sell because what we'are hearing is that the Alliance is going to reboot the economy and the alliance of course being a majority of the US military and intelligence establishment as well as many many different foreign countries and their goverments. well we're going to be back on a gold standard we're gonna be back on a protected currency that can't be manipulated with financial gerrymandering and all these crazy games. They've been playing instead what we're gonna see is the economic event whch probably leads to the unsealing of the indictments becausse now people are really mad and they want justice and then all these criminal prosecutions start to happen and it's going to be bigger than the Nuremberg trials bigger than the South African Truth and Reconciliation Committee the biggest criminal proceedings we've ever seen in world history and with that things are going to start to unravel very quickly. I have heard possibility and I don't know how is gonna go down but the possibility that for example we're gonna hear about pyramids under the oceans around the world.