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Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. (TKPYY.PK) is considering a sale of some emerging-market drugs, as the Japanese drugmaker expands a push to cut debt after its $62 billion takeover of Shire Plc, Bloomberg reported citing people familiar with the matter.

彭博援引知情人士的话称,武田制药( Takeda Pharmaceutical Co .)斥资620亿美元收购 Shire Plc 后,这家日本制药商扩大了削减债务的努力。

The company is working with Bank of America Corp. to gauge potential buyer interest in emerging-market assets it acquired through its 2011 purchase of Swiss rival Nycomed, according to the people. The medicines, which include over-the-counter and prescription drugs, could fetch about $3 billion, the report said.

知情人士说,该公司正与美国银行( Bank of America Corp .)合作,评估潜在买家对2011年收购瑞士竞争对手 Nycomed 时收购的新兴市场资产的兴趣。报告称,包括非处方药和处方药在内的这些药物可能会卖到30亿美元左右。

"No decisions have been made regarding specific assets for potential disposal at this stage," a spokeswoman for Takeda reportedly said.

武田公司的一位发言人说:“目前还没有就可能出售的特定资产做出决定。”$TAKEDA PHARMACEUTI(TKPYY)$ 
