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FedEx chief executive Fred Smith told CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Tuesday that the company will make big strides in its autonomous vehicle efforts this summer.

“You’ll see in late June an enormous effort towards autonomous trucks that move over the highway. Not in the city, where we think our drivers are better for the pickup and delivery of the long-distance vehicles,” Smith said in an interview on “Mad Money.”$联邦快递(FDX)$ 

 FedEx chief executive Fred Smith told CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Tuesday that the company will make big strides in its autonomous vehicle efforts this summer.

FedEx announced it was testing autonomous delivery trucks in China in late 2021 through a collaboration with Neolix, a self-driving logistics company based in the country. FedEx has previously launched initiatives towards autonomous vehicle usage, collaborating with companies including Nuro, DEKA Development Research, Aurora and Paccar.