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$Viking Therapeutics(VKTX)$ CC的核心点,果然还要剂量爬坡,如果剂量效应还存在的话,bidding war就要开始了,千亿美元的市场,谁不喜欢呢。$礼来(LLY)$ $诺和诺德(NVO)$ Given the promising weight loss signal being reported today, along with the excellent tolerability profile observed thus far, we have decided to pursue further dose escalation in this study and recently commenced dosing in an additional cohort. Decisions on future dose escalation will be made pending a review of the safety and tolerability data generated from completed cohorts. In addition, based on the encouraging trajectory of weight loss observed in this study and the lack of a plateau at 28 days for higher dose cohorts, we believe that further benefits might be anticipated from longer dosing periods and with potentially higher doses. To this end, we have decided to proceed with plans for a Phase II trial in patients with obesity. We plan to initiate this study later this year.


03-27 10:04

礼来和诺和诺德买$Viking Therapeutics(VKTX)$ 是可以的,指望其他大厂想买Viking挺难的,这些大药厂的CEO都打算睡安稳觉…Viking目前揭露的专利看起来是很弱鸡的,专利和t药长得差不多,可能是钻空子打算以后反诉的筹码。VK 2735本身分子式藏着掖着未揭露,估计也很难完全绕开礼来和诺和诺德。哪个大厂买Viking怎么也得上百亿美元,日后要是专利案子打不过礼来和诺和诺德,CEO估计得下台。冒这么大风险买了Viking,成了的话,功劳是有限的,败了的话就丢工作了,CEO们会掂量掂量的。