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$复星医药(SH600196)$ UPDATE 1-European regulator says more data needed on Sputnik, Sinovac vaccines更新1-欧洲监管机构表示需要更多关于Sputnik和Sinovac疫苗的数据(reuters ·  )
FRANKFURT, Sept 9 (Reuters) - The European Union's drugs regulator said it was awaiting more data on Russia's Sputnik V and a rival COVID-19 vaccine by China's Sinovac Biotech SVA.O before it can progress on its rolling reviews of the two shots.
法兰克福,9月9日(路透社)-欧盟药品监管机构表示,在对这两种疫苗进行滚动审查之前,它正在等待中国的科兴生物SVA.O关于俄罗斯的Sputnik V和竞争对手新冠肺炎疫苗的更多数据。
"For these vaccines the discussion with the companies has been quite constructive but it looks like there are more data that need to be submitted to us before we can progress with the different rolling reviews," the European Medicines Agency's
欧洲药品管理局(European Medicines Agency)的发言人表示:“就这些疫苗而言,与这些公司的讨论相当有建设性,但看起来在我们进行不同的滚动审查之前,需要向我们提交更多数据。”
(EMA) head vaccines strategy, Marco Cavaleri, told a press briefing.
(EMA)疫苗战略负责人Marco Cavalert i在新闻发布会上说。
He added EMA would continue to review data on German biotech firm CureVac's 5CV.DE shot over the next few weeks before a conclusion can be drawn.
Commenting on EMA's fourth ongoing rolling review, of a shot developed by U.S. firm Novavax NVAX.O , he said its manufacturing would be discussed further over the next few weeks and an overall conclusion of the review is possible before year-end.
在评论EMA正在进行的第四次滚动审查时,他表示,未来几周将进一步讨论EMA的制造问题,年底前可能会得出总体审查结论。该审查是对美国公司Novavax NVAX.O开发的一种Sshot进行的。
(Reporting by Ludwig Burger and Pushkala Aripaka; Editing by Jon Boyle)
(Ludwig Burger和Pushkala Aripaka报道;Jon Boyle编辑)
((ludwig.burger@thomsonreuters.com; +49 30 220133634; Reuters Messaging: ludwig.burger.thomsonreuters.com@reuters.net))
(ludwig.burger@thomsonreurs.com;+49 30 220133634;路透社消息:ludwig.burger.thomsonreuters.com@reuters.net))