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$Lumentum Holdings Inc. Common Stock When Issued(LITE)$

A - Alan Lowe

Yeah, I mean I think putting aside the timeframe for when this happens, I would say that the market is multiple times bigger than the connect business and could imagine quarters of 100 plus million dollars type of marketplace growing to over $1 billion I would expect as we get into multiple mobile devices and multiple customers with mobile devices. So I’d say that every indication is that it’s a huge growth driver for us. Timing for initial ramp, I think we're still going to remain quiet on that until it actually starts happening and so one, the tidbit that we wanted to leave you with this time was we're actually shipping revenue units and are very comfortable with the progress we've made and the milestones we’ve achieved.

Tim Savageaux

Well, just to follow-up very briefly on that, you mentioned you were seeing initial shipments, does that not indicate that the ramp is beginning or are we kind of still some sort of sampling or qualification type situation.

A - Alan Lowe

This is more completion of a qualification and getting to the point where all the bugs are worked out, but we're very comfortable with where we are and we still need to have a few more success points along the road to get the meaningful revenue.