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On the afternoon of April 19, the Proya Annual Performance Presentation was held at Proya Building in Hangzhou. In order to allow investors to have a better understanding of the Company's operating results and financial condition of 2023 as well as development plans for the future, this Performance Presentation was livestreamed in both Chinese and English for the first time in addition to the traditional combination of online and offline meetings. The Co-founder and CEO of Proya, FANG Yuyou, along with the Deputy General Manager and CFO cum Board Secretary, WANG Li, attended the meeting.



During the Performance Presentation, WANG Li introduced the financial highlights and main business of Proya for the fiscal year 2023. During the Reporting Period, the Company achieved an operating revenue of RMB8.905billion, with a YOY increase of 39.45%. The net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company reached RMB1.194billion, up by 46.06% YOY. This outstanding performance could be attributed to the solid management style of the Company. Furthermore, WANG Li also expanded on the business highlights of 2023 for investors from six dimensions: new products, new marketing strategies, new channels, new organizational structure, new research and development, and new supply chain management.


针对《珀莱雅2023年度可持续发展暨环境、社会及公司治理(ESG)报告》,王莉表示,这是珀莱雅第四份可持续发展暨ESG 报告,且公司首次聘请第三方机构对报告及温室气体排放(范围1、2、3)数据进行了鉴证与核查。2023年公司在可持续发展和ESG 管理方面受到社会和资本市场的认可。报告期内,珀莱雅Wind ESG评级跃升至AA级,首次登顶个人用品行业第一;首次参评CDP(全球权威碳排放评级机构-全球环境信息研究中心)评级获B级,高于亚洲地区企业平均评级和全球企业平均评级(C级)。王莉还重点从可持续的业务、可持续的价值链、可持续的社会生态以及坚实的公司治理四大维度出发,分享了公司2023年在可持续发展与ESG管理的行动进展和绩效。

As for the Proya Sustainability & Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report 2023, WANG Li stated that this is Proya's 4th ESG Report, and the Company has engaged a third-party institution for the first time to verify and audit the report as well as the greenhouse gas emissions data (Scope 1, 2, 3). The Company's sustainability and ESG management in 2023 is recognized by the capital market and society. During the Reporting Period, Proya was rated "AA" by Wind ESG; topped the chart of the personal care industry for the first time; joined CDP Score (Carbon Disclosure Project) for the first time and was rated "B", which was above the Asian/global average performance (grade C). WANG Li also shared the Company's progress and performance in sustainability and ESG management in 2023 by focusing on sustainable business, sustainable value chain, sustainable social ecosystem, and robust corporate governance.


FANG Yuyou briefed investors on the Company's development strategy and business plan for 2024. During the exchange session, FANG Yuyou patiently answered the questions from the investors on topics including brand planning, hero product situation, channel situation and so on.


一直以来,公司高度重视投资者关系管理, 致力于打造包括信息披露、上证E互动、业绩说明会、现场调研接待、公司官网及珀莱雅投资者关系官方账号、电话、邮箱等多层次多渠道的投资者沟通体系。此次“线上(中英双语直播间)+线下”业绩说明会的成功召开,进一步加深了与投资者积极、有效、合规的双向交流,同时,也助力公司获得更多市场关注和信任。

The Company has always valued investor relations management, and is committed to building a multi-level, multi-channel communication system for investors that consists of information disclosure, SSE E-Interactive, performance presentation, reception for on-site visits, the official website of the Company, the official account of Proya investor relations, phone, emails, and more. The successful hosting of this "online (bilingual livestreaming) + offline" performance presentation has further boosted the proactive, effective, and compliant two-way communication with investors while helping the Company gain more attention and trust from the market.