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$猎豹移动(CMCM)$ 这股价又跌到9以下了,即便营业利润大幅优化的吸引,但这次的底有点儿不敢抄。之前猎豹是只滞胀,但转型娱乐业务仍然有不错的增长。不过最新季报显示营收同比和环比都在下滑。手机娱乐业务同比只有8%的增长,环比下滑2%。Other revenue应该是指ai业务,对总体营收依然是非常轻微,而且跟手机娱乐业务一样还在补贴中。


We may lose some EU users when updating application versions to comply with the GDPR. For example, if we limit or stop service to users who have not updated their versions, some of the influenced users may leave our products. Failure to comply may result in punitive actions from EU authorities, reputation damage, user loss, and revenue loss. Complying with any additional or new regulatory requirements could force us to incur substantial costs or require us to change our business practices.



2018-07-28 06:27
