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$Desktop Metal(DM)$ 开始加速整合梳理收购进来的资产了:
/ 聚合物打印品牌 ETEC、医学打印品牌 Desktop Health 网页链接 ,都是源于 EnvisionTEC 的 DLP
/ 也在慢慢整合其他的进来,比如材料
/ “Desktop Metal’s integration strategy is to focus on customers and their application needs first, so we can craft the most personalized and compelling business case for them to adopt Additive Manufacturing 2.0 technologies for volume production”
/ 只专注可以通向 mass production 的 DLP,BJT 两种技术路线。


$3D打印ETF-ARK(PRNT)$ $3D Systems(DDD)$ #3D打印# <a href="http:/<a href="http:/<a href="http:/