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$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 网页链接

We believe GOMO has substantially overstated operating metrics and financials in the past, particularly for their launcher and literature products, the two largest contributors to revenue.

In spite of these overstated numbers, GOMO should turn in their worst quarter ever on 8/27, whiffing on every metric: revenue, EPS and Q3 guidance.

The most damning negative will be severe degradation of its flagship product, Go Launcher, which is the main reason QIHU invested but has now lost strategic interest.

The Getjar acquisition that promised entry into the mobile platform market has turned into a full-blown disaster that has key employees leaving in droves.

We expect the recent resignations of several key executives to continue with the resignation of the CFO, which will put into question GOMO's overstated metrics and financials.


2014-08-27 14:45

Q2本来预期差些 关键是Q3的预期没好转的话就惨了

2014-08-26 21:05


2014-08-26 09:40


2014-08-26 09:32

“Chief Marketing Officer Zhang Minhui inexplicably left the company two months before the IPO.
Former CFO Yang Shuqin also left the company two months before the IPO after a total tenure of a whopping four months.
Audit Committee Chair and director of GOMO's board Jonathan Zhang left the company six months after the IPO.
VP of Sales Cao Ming left the company in June. Cao was not just a VP of Sales. He was one of the founders and set up the sales team at GOMO from scratch.
VP of Product and head of the launcher division Xin Li also bailed a few weeks ago.”
话说,最后的那位 “Xin Li”是哪位?