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Ruisheng Coffee Fan Bureau, in-depth analysis (1)

An in-depth analysis of Ruisheng Coffee by a senior coffee maker and executive of a coffee chain company (I)

Ruisheng Coffee opened its first flagship store in Beijing Galaxy SOHO in October 2017, with a total revenue of 240,000 yuan in that year. According to the business hours of 2.5 months, the average monthly total revenue is 96,000 yuan. If calculated by the business hours of 2 months, the average monthly total revenue is 120,000 yuan. As the first store, excellent location, Lu Zhengyao Qianzhiya and other founders and their friends have abundant resources to support a store, a month's total revenue of only 90,000-120,000 yuan. All business income is not enough to pay rent.

Dec. 25, 2018, announced the birth of the 2,000 stores.

2370 stores on March 31, 2019. The total revenue in the first quarter of 2019 is 445 million yuan. According to the calculation of 2185 stores (2000 + 370/2), the average revenue in the first quarter of each store is only 2036.61 million yuan, and the average revenue per month is 678.87 million yuan. It's really a bony feeling that the total revenue is enough to pay rent and property fees at most. Expenditures on raw materials, labor, water and electricity, advertising fees, hardware wear and tear are all real net losses.

It is estimated that few people have worked out such a careful calculation and looked at me and my colleagues as really frightened. Although several founders painted great cakes, they knew what it meant when they had done business or managed them. No business talent could turn the tide around. There has been no such reversal in business history for decades... no... Never. You can dig your memory and think hard. Have you ever heard of such a business case?

In the coffee and beverage industry, Korean, American and domestic brands, which once thrived in the sky, have risen one after another and fallen down.

Ruisheng Coffee, Coffee Shop + App Online model, 90% of the purchase is still about 5 km in the business circle of customers, a business circle of customers is limited, how can it grow? Moreover, it is difficult to retain users with the quality and service of Ruisheng coffee. Now many of Ruisheng coffee are subsidized wool.

Developing the habit of drinking coffee is not just put forward by Rachel Coffee today. Even since 2000, millions of coffee shops, including Starbucks, have trained us for nearly 20 years. Can't the efforts of so many people be more than a lucky one? (I used to be so persistent, including still training employees like this.) Of course not! The fundamental reason lies in the Chinese people's genes and dietary habits. Even if I give you a pile of money to eat steak and drink coffee every day, your body will not stand it.

Qian always told the conference how many cups of coffee foreigners drink a year. We should cultivate users'habit of drinking coffee with subsidies. This is simply an impossible thing for Yanmei to quench thirst.

You said that Ruicheng Coffee is an Internet company with App orders. Well, how many successful Internet companies are there? Aren't they showing up one by one now? Wechat has exploded because of the direct migration of hundreds of millions of users on QQ. Is there anything else? Alibaba also accumulated for several years before it broke out. They have almost no cost of rent, packing and so on. Does Ruisheng Coffee have this gene and advantage?

The monthly rent, property fees, labor, water and electricity, raw materials, advertising fees, hardware losses and other costs of thousands of Ruisheng coffee shops are real. No company can afford to spend more than it can afford for a long time. Rich Ali Tencent Jingdong Baidu also has tears to cut down the loss plate, so you don't tell me, now melt 500 million will be able to salted fish turn over.

It is heartbreaking to think about how popular the sales of Jia Yueting's TV and mobile phone were in Kangmei Pharmaceutical Industry, Kangdesin and Lexin Television Network, and how huge the ecology was. There are still many people who do not believe that Holiday Moon Ting is a cheater.

Time is limited, my friends are waiting for me to eat. Finally, I would like to say that the average monthly gross income of Ruisheng Coffee is only 678.87 million yuan. This income level is not to say that it is located in the first-tier and second-tier cities, which is in my hometown, the ordinary county town. A month's business income of 67.87 million yuan can not support a 20-square-meter shop in a county town.@华尔街见闻 @华尔街前沿 @华尔街俱乐部 $瑞幸咖啡(LK)$ $咖啡豆ETN-iPath(JO)$ $咖啡豆ETN-iPath Pure Beta(CAFE)$


2019-06-06 08:58

观点同意。不过这十有八九,哦不,十有九九是old center写的文章

2019-06-06 02:12


2019-06-06 00:37
