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When this configuration is enabled, the first two interface
descriptors with bAlternativeSettings equal to zero is used. However,
during operation, the host can send a SetInterface request directed to that of
Interface one with an alternative setting of one to enable the other interface
descriptor. 翻译:•启用此配置时,将使用bAlternativeSettings,M12 connector

This gives an advantage over having two configurations, in that
we can be transmitting data over interface zero while we change the endpoint
settings associated with interface one without effecting interface zero. 翻译:与两种配置相比,这提供了一个优势,即我们可以通过接口0传输数据,同时更改与接口1关联的端点设置,而不会影响接口0。

Each endpoint descriptor is used to specify the type of
transfer, direction, polling interval and maximum packet size for each
endpoint. Endpoint zero, the default control endpoint is always assumed to be a
control endpoint and as such never has a descriptor. 翻译:•每个端点描述符用于指定每个端点的传输类型、方向、轮询间隔和最大数据包大小。端点为零时,默认控制端点始终假定为控制端点,因此从不具有描述符。M23连接器