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$Match Group(MTCH)$ 虽然这个评论稍有点旧,是对去年9月Tinder上一个Swipe Night活动全球上线后做出的,但不得不叹服Match group在dating领域里对用户心态的本质性把握。一个领域里的绝对领导者几乎全部都是极深刻理解用户需求的主。


“If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s the power of conversational common ground powered by shared experiences. Social and physical distancing coupled with stay at home orders turned our members into chatty and creative digital daters with 52% more messages sent globally (peaking on April 5) and swipe volume among members under 25 also rising 39%. Now for three weekends in September, starting September 12, Swipe Night will transport members from their homes to a new destination to discuss: an adventure live, right inside Tinder.”