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在1950年代,沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)通过其合伙公司(Buffett Partnership Ltd.)采取了一种独特且有效的收费结构,这种结构在投资行业中后来被称为“巴菲特合伙制”:


绩效费:巴菲特只在合伙基金的表现超过了某个基准时收取费用,这一基准通常设定为6%。 如果合伙基金的回报率超过6%,巴菲特会对超出部分收取25%的绩效费。例如,如果合伙基金的回报率为10%,则巴菲特会对超过6%的4%部分收取25%的绩效费,即1%(0.25 x 4%)。 如果基金的表现未能超过6%,巴菲特则不会收取任何绩效费。



风险管理:由于没有固定管理费,巴菲特在管理风险方面更加谨慎,因为他的收入完全依赖于投资的实际回报。 吸引投资者:对于投资者来说,这种结构降低了投资成本,增强了他们对巴菲特投资能力的信任和信心。



想象一下,如果这个房间里的每个人都听从某人的投资建议,比如说,你知道,每年 1% 的收益,我会告诉你如何投资你的钱。1950 年,当我们在 1965 年创业时,他们会说,好吧,买伯克希尔哈撒韦公司吧,如果他们现在还在,看到了 1% 的交易,他们每年会从那些没有从我们这里获得任何股息的人那里收取 80 亿美元。所以他们对与你签订的合同的兴趣与你不同。最好的办法是一次性支付佣金并持有股票。但你必须警惕人性对他人和你的影响。然后,你知道,如果你仔细考虑并真正听取查理告诉你的话,你将比大多数人领先一步。查理——我应该提到一件事,这真的非常有趣。查理知道心理学、人类行为和激励措施的重要性。

他很早就明白了这一点。当然,他也做过一些演讲,甚至谈到了 25 种左右的方法,不管是什么。我不记得确切的数字,但通过了解人类的行为,一个人可以利用另一个人的不同方式。然后,在出色地解释这一点之后。他相信了解别人会做什么,但他认为实际使用这些方法来操纵他人是低人一等的。真正有趣的人,他思考人类行为的心理学,并弄清楚,你知道,你如何成为华尔街的优秀保险推销员或经理,或积累管理资产或诸如此类的东西。你通过在一定程度上了解别人的弱点而变得非常富有,然后决定当这些弱点出现时,你认识到这些弱点非常重要。对你来说,比实际利用它们的人更了解它们非常重要,但这并不意味着你不必屈尊利用它们。查理告诉我,在他弄清楚这一点之后,在他一生中,有几次他使用过它们。他并不为此感到自豪,但他也从未对我撒谎。所以他向我解释说,他曾经使用过一些技巧,但他不打算再使用了。他还想让我知道,如果我真的做了这样的事情,我的行为并不是很糟糕,他考虑到了人类可能会行为不端的事实。


Becky Quick: This question comes from Denny Poland, a shareholder from Pittsburgh. When describing the principal agent problem, Mr Munger said that capitalism often works best when the people managing the property also own the property. In recent years, agents of pension funds and asset management firms who do not have significant personal ownership stakes in Berkshire have forwarded proposals that were not in the economic interest of shareholders. What can be done to limit the negative influence of these agents in the decades after you’re no longer able to cast significant votes against them?

Warren Buffett: Well, that’s a very perceptive question, and it’s been answered in a temporary manner, but who knows how the situation will develop in the future? All I know is that you have a wonderful hand at Berkshire Hathaway, but you have to be able to think your way. I mean, obviously, you have to think your way through political realities. You have to think your way for what will cause a. You want to be on. You want to be regarded as an asset to the country because you’ll find more solutions. If you are an asset, you owe to the country anyway. But beyond that, you’ll find more solutions than if you’re regarded as evil or something, and worse yet, if you deserve it. So it’s something that’s constantly in our mind, and it needs to be in the mind of the directors, and they need to think for themselves on this rather than bow to conventional wisdom, which, you know, in a sense, you don’t want to become a cynic about life, but almost everybody that approaches you, if you have tons of resources that’s got some interest in figuring out how to use your resources to their advantage, and that’s true whether they’re in politics or whether they’re in investment banking or whether they’re selling you, well, whatever it may be that they’re selling, I don’t want to do any injury to anybody, but life insurance agents see the advantage of buying life insurance, and investment managers who get paid based on assets managed to get interested in selling you their services.

Imagine if everybody in this room were following the investment advice of somebody that said, you know, for 1% a year, I’ll tell you how to invest your money. And in 1950, when we started in 1965, they would have said, well, buy Berkshire Hathaway, and if they were around now and they saw the 1% deal, they’d be collecting $8 billion a year from people who aren’t getting any dividends from us. So they would have a different interest in the kind of contract they worked out with you than you would have. And best thing to do was just pay them a commission one time and own the stock. But you have to be alert to how what human nature does to both other people and to you. And then, you know, if you think it through well and actually listen to what Charlie has told you, you’ll have a big head start on most people. Charlie - there’s one thing that I should mention that really is terribly interesting about Charlie. Charlie knew the importance of psychology and human behavior and incentives and all of that.

He figured that out very early. And, of course, he gave some talks, even on 25 or so ways, whatever it happened to be. I don’t remember the exact number, but the different ways that one person could take advantage of another by understanding how humans behave. And then after doing a magnificent job of explaining it. He believed in understanding what others would do, but he thought it was beneath him to actually use those methods to manipulate people. Really interesting human being that thinks through the psychology of human behavior and figures out, you know, how you become a great insurance salesman or manager on Wall Street, or accumulate assets under management or whatever it may be. And you get very rich byunderstanding the weaknesses of others to some extent, and then decide that it’s very important for you to recognize these when they occur. It’s very important for you to know them better than the person that actually is using them, but not that you don’t have to stoop to using them yourself. And Charlie told me that in his lifetime after he figured this out, there were a couple of times when he used them. He wasn’t proud of it, but he also never lied to me. So he explained to me that there were a couple times when he used some of these techniques, but he didn’t plan on using them anymore. Also wanted me to know that if I ever did something like that, I wasn’t really behaving terribly, that he allowed for the fact that humans may misbehave.

So I’m sure that I behaved somewhat better before my marriage than I did afterwards in my enthusiasm for different activities, like dancing or something. And he said, we all do it, but don’t do it again. So that’s part of acquiring human wisdom. And speaking of human wisdom, we’ve just got that one book out there by Charlie, I mean, poor Charlie’s Almanac, and that’s worth reading three or four times. I think I read Ben Graham’s book about five or six times. And each time I read it, I realized that I just needed to think a little more deeply about certain things. They weren’t complicated or anything. But, you know, it’s better to. If you’ve got some great instruction, like you get with Charlie, it’s better to read it several times than to just figure you’ll just read every book once it’s in the library. Okay, let’s go to section four.