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点评:这又是关于投资到哪里的话题,举个简单的例子,如果你家住海边,去赶海时在收获相同的条件下当然去离家最近的海滩,即使收获不同还要考虑时间、路费成本。巴菲特在投资上相对固执,正是这种固执成就了今天是事业,这实际是执着。巴菲特在海外投资基本是小额投资,并且仅限在中国(中石油比亚迪)、日本(五大商社)、韩国(浦项)、以色列(伊斯卡是以色列一家金属加工工具制造商)等少数国家,即使对欧洲也不热衷,他认为欧洲国家讲着不同的语言、有着截然不同的 财政状况,对他们来说要想在国家自治和共同利益间找到平衡将非常艰难。


提问者:亲爱的沃伦、格雷格和阿吉特,感谢你们的邀请。你们的教诲不仅让我们成为更好的投资者,更重要的是,让我们成为更好的人。谢谢你们。我叫拉吉夫·阿加瓦尔,来自新泽西州。我经营着一家专注于印度的基金,名为 Do Darshi India Fund。我的问题与印度有关。印度经济和印度股市在过去 5 年、10 年、20 年里表现相当不错。它是第五大经济体,未来几年将成为第三大经济体。我的问题是,伯克希尔是否在积极寻找印度股市的机会,以及什么能让你在那里买到有意义的东西?谢谢。


Questioner: Dear Warren, Greg and Ajit, thank you for having us. Your teachings have not only made us better investors, but more importantly, better people. Thank you for that. My name is Rajiv Agarwal, and I am from New Jersey. I run an India focused fund called Do Darshi India Fund. My question is related to India. Indian economy and Indian equities have done quite well in the last 5, 10, 20 years. It is the fifth largest economy and will be the third largest in the next few years. My question is, is Berkshire actively looking for opportunities in the Indian equity market and what will allow you to buy anything meaningful there? Thank you.

Warren Buffett: Yeah. Well, that’s a very good question. And obviously India, you know, I’m sure there are loads of opportunities in a place like India. And the question is, do we have any advantage in either insights into those businesses or contexts, it will make possible some transaction that might what the parties in India would particularly want us to participate. I would say that that’s something that a more energetic management at Berkshire could pursue, because we do have the reputation. Now, Berkshire is known, not like it’s known in the United States, but it’s known around the world. And, you know, our Japanese experience has been fascinating in that respect. So there may be an unexplored or unattended to opportunity in that area. I’m not the one to do it, but that may be something that in the future, it might be opportunities. There are opportunities. The question is, does Berkshire have some kind of advantage in actually pursuing those opportunities against, particularly against people that are using other people’s money, that where they get paid based on assets managed or something of this sort. I mean, there are plenty of people in the game who are buying and running businesses that do not really have our philosophy. I mean, they’re going to get rich no matter what happens, and their payment may be based on how much they buy rather than what they buy. So we’ll see how the next management plays the game out at Berkshire. Fortunately, you don’t have too long to wait on that. Generally, I feel fine, but I know a little bit about actuarial tables, and I just. Well, I would say this. I shouldn’t be taking on any four year employment contracts like several people doing in this world in an age where you can’t be quite that sure where you’re going to be in four years. Okay. But you’re absolutely right about, if you were energetic, had some way to become a buyer or a party that people particularly wanted to do business with. Japan was great, and India could be great, but India and Japan aren’t the same. I mean, I don’t adapt myself terribly well to different cultures, and some people are really good at it, and almost anybody’s better than I am. But I stumbled into one or two, but that could happen in act two of Berkshire Hathaway. Becky.