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点评:人们时常向芒格、巴菲特寻求普世的智慧,芒格通常会建议大家读富兰克林的书,遵循富兰克林的做事原则。巴菲特这次有感而发,劝大家找到不为生存而想做的工作(find the job that you would like to have if you didn’t need a job)。巴菲特一生感到最幸福的就是找到喜欢的人、喜欢的事,他在致股东的信中数次提到自己是跳着踢踏舞去上班,能这样幸运的人真是凤毛麟角,难怪几十年来他和芒格先生的年薪都是十万美元,普通人基本上都是牺牲5天,换来2天的欢乐,还有很多人假期也要工作,如果能真正找到不为生存而愿意做的事,就等于生命延长了2.5倍。我最羡慕的是中国第一代钢琴家巫漪丽,她出生于1930年,六岁时妈妈带她去看电影《子夜琴声》(Moonlight Sonata),影片中一位白发的老钢琴家帕特瑞夫斯基(Paderewski)演奏的乐曲的旋律走留下了不可磨灭的印记,若干年后,她才知道是肖邦的《幻想即兴曲》的主调,后来8岁时开始学琴,每月花钱租琴完成学习,钢琴伴随了她一生,在2019年4月20日晚在观赏音乐会中途骤然离世,享年89岁。巴菲特建议大家不要忘你真正想要做的事情,努力找到一个你喜欢与之分享生活的人,这就是幸福的人生。


沃伦·巴菲特:好吧,很遗憾您补充了我们其他人想听的建议。我想说,如果我有一条建议,我会尝试。好吧,你很幸运能生活在这个国家,因为你在这里拥有世界上大部分地方都不存在的机会。但我想,我真的想利用查理的建议,想想你希望讣告读起来是什么样子,然后开始选择教育通行证、社交通行证,无论什么,在交往方面,你的具体情况,也许在我那个时代,结婚会是最适合你这样做的人。好吧,查理会说你为伴侣提供了一些类似的福利。但在这个国家,机会基本上是无限的。想想看,回溯到几个世纪以前,如果你要当牧羊人或类似的职业,100 年后,你的孙子或孙女要当牧羊人,其实什么都没有发生。而过去 200 年,随着工业革命的到来,无论是科学、教育还是健康,什么都没有发生。我们很幸运能出生在那个时代,在座的各位,我们中的许多人也很幸运能出生在美国。你正在进入有史以来最好的世界,你想找到可以与之分享的人,以及适合你的活动。如果你很幸运,就像查理和我一样,你会找到年轻时感兴趣的东西。但如果你没有马上找到它们,你就继续寻找。我总是告诉学生要接受这份工作。我的意思是,找到一份你不需要工作时想做的工作。有时你很早就能找到那个人,有时你会经历各种事情,但不要忘记你真正想要做的事情,没有哪个地方比这个国家更适合你。在很多情况下,找到一个你喜欢与之分享生活的人。你知道,有时你会很幸运地早早地找到那个人,有时你会犯错误。但我会尝试以一种非常非常普遍的方式,试图弄清楚你会如何回顾你的生活,思考你自己,从今天开始走上通往那个目标的道路,并预计沿途会有一些困难。但如果你这样想,你就更有可能到达那里。贝基。

Questioner: Hi, Warren. My name is Christine Hone Garcia and I’m from Agora Hills, California. Thank you for being an excellent teacher and imparting your wisdom to us throughout the years. What advice would you like to share today that you believe everyone needs to hear?

Warren Buffett: Well, too bad you added that, what the rest of us would like to hear. I would say that if I had one piece of advice, I would try to. Well, and you’re lucky to live in this country just to start with, because you’ve got opportunities here that wouldn’t exist in much of the world. But I would like, I would like to really sort of use Charlie’s advice of thinking how you like your obituary to read, and then start selecting the educational pass, the social pass, whatever, that your particular situation in terms of associating, and perhaps certainly in my day, it would have been marrying the person that would best help you do that. Well, Charlie would say you were offering some similar benefit to the partner. But the opportunity in this country is basically limitless. When you think of going back not that many centuries, if you were going to be a shepherd or something like that, 100 years from now, your grandson or granddaughter, was going to be a shepherd, nothing really happened. And what has happened in the last 200 years with the combination of the industrial revolution, whether it’s science or education or health, you name it. We are so lucky to be born when we were, the people in this room, and many of us were lucky enough to be born in the United States as well. You’re entering the best world that’s ever existed, and you want to find the people to share it with and the activities to participate in that fit you. And if you get lucky, like Charlie and I did, you find things that interest you young. But if you don’t find them right away, you keep looking. And I always tell students to take the job. I mean, find the job that you would like to have if you didn’t need a job. And sometimes you can find that very early, and sometimes you go through various experiences, but don’t forget what you actually are trying to do, and there’s no place to do it like this country. Find the person that you like to share your life with in many cases. And, you know, sometimes you get lucky into that early, and sometimes you make mistakes. But I would try to, in a very, very general way, I would try to figure out how you’d want to look back on your life and think about yourself and start today to go on the path that leads to that goal and expect some difficulties along the way. But if you’re thinking that way, you’re more likely to get there. Becky.