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特斯拉在2024 年 4 月 23 日星期二收盘后公布 2024 年第一季度的财务业绩:

第一季度盈利下降 47%,至每股 45 美分。 与此同时,季度收入总计 213 亿美元,比 2023 年第一季度下降 9%。

截至周二收盘,股价也反映了特斯拉在全球面临日益激烈的竞争,今年已下跌超过 40%,但是在随后的财报电话会议中,马斯克表示公司计划在 2025 年初开始生产廉价新型电动汽车后,股价随后上涨 13%。


芒格先生当然是更看好比亚迪,在生前最后一次参加Daily Journal年会(2023-02-15)时这样评论两家公司:

特斯拉去年在中国两次降价。 比亚迪提高了价格。 我们是直接竞争对手。 比亚迪在中国远远领先于特斯拉。他还认为马斯克才华横溢,而且“很奇特”,既不会买入他,也不会做空他。

“Tesla last year reduced its prices in China twice. BYD increased its prices. We are direct competitors. BYD is so much ahead of Tesla in China ... it’s almost ridiculous,” Munger said.

BYD recently said it expects record adjusted annual profit for 2022 of 16.3 billion yuan ($2.4 billion), about 1,200% above 2021.

“BYD last year made more than $2 billion after taxes in the auto business in China. It’s incredible what’s happened,” Munger said. “If you count all the manufacturing space they have in China to make cars, it would amount to a big percentage of the Manhattan island, and nobody had ever heard of them a few years ago.”

The longtime investor called Tesla CEO Elon Musk talented — and “peculiar.” He previously said what Musk achieved in the car business was a “minor miracle.”

“I don’t buy him, and I don’t short him,” Munger said Wednesday.

