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$Facebook(FB)$ 盘后什么情况,涨这么多?


2018-04-05 08:44


2018-04-05 07:10

No meaningful impact?影响一定有的,但如果短期的影响能够成就一个伟大的企业,那么还是值得的。本人很认同google的“不作恶”,希望fbk也能做到。连接人与人,发挥正能量,承担大企业应该承担的社会责任。

2018-04-05 07:04


2018-04-05 05:51

Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) has two basic questions to address in the Cambridge Analytica data leak scandal, CEO Mark Zuckerberg says on a conference call with media: Can it protect users, and can it make sure it's not used to undermine democracy.
• "We have to go through every part of our relationship with people, and make sure that we're taking a broad enough view of our responsibilities," he says. "It's not enough to just connect people
• Zuckerberg also says that most users should assume that their publicly available information has been scraped; he's referring here to those who enabled the ability for friends to search for them by phone number or email address.
• "We've seen some scraping," he says. "I would assume if you had that setting turned on that someone at some point has access to your public information in some way."
• Asked whether he's still the right person to lead as CEO or chairman, Zuckerberg says: Life is about learning from mistakes and figuring out what you need to do moving forward.
• More to the financial effects, Zuckerberg says there's no "meaningful impact" to advertisers or users from the burgeoning "Delete Facebook" movement.
• Shares that were starting to tick up slightly after hours are now up 3.2% with the call.

2018-04-05 05:07
