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$小米集团-W(01810)$ 雷军亲自带队造电车,小米产业链布局合理,有人(1000多人的研发团队),有钱(现金储备1080亿人民币),有技术(小米投资了近10家电车产业公司),有决心,看雷军这个劲头,预计10年投资额100亿美元,还不计划吸引其他投资人,就是自己企业干,赶在这波新能源风头,非常有戏。

We have a deep pocket for this project,” said Lei, also the chief executive officer, at an event in Beijing. “I’m fully aware of the risks of the car-making industry. I’m also aware the project will take at least three to five years with tens of billions of investment.”

Xiaomi doesn’t plan to invite outside investors to the project as the company aims to take full control of the car making business, Lei said. “This will be the last startup project in my career.” 这最后一句是军令状啊,雷总有排面。


小米11 ultra 和11 pro都不错,价位应该是要上调,攻中高端市场,特别是11 ultra,让觉得还真说得上是安卓之光。mix fold折叠机虽然有三星华为在做折叠屏,但小米自研的c1影像芯片、液态镜头、掌上pc模式等创意十足。现在的小米,手机市场上瞄准的竞争对手不是华为,而是三星。