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12月7日,百合网宣布以每ADS $ 7.56的价格,高于之前来自宏利基金的$7.20每ADS的价格收购世纪佳缘。恒润投资对于世纪佳缘的估值为$ 11.74每ADS。


“不公布邀约的信息对于股东们来说是不利的”,恒润投资的管理合伙人Peter Halesworth说道。“特殊委员会的唯一目的就是在交易中最大化股东利益。那些未公布的邀约可能比当前报价高。”


BOSTON, Massachusetts -- News that a new and higher bid for China's leading online matchmaking service, Jiayuan.com International (Nasdaq: DATE), is a positive step in the right direction but the new bid is still 50% below full and fair value, according to shareholder Heng Ren Investments LP. On December 7, Baihe xxx announced an agreement with Jiayuan.com to buy out shareholders at $7.56 per American Depositary Sahre (&# 39;ADS" or "share'), an increase from the previous bid of $ 7.20 per share from Vast Profit of Hong Kong. Heng Ren&# 39;s professionally appraised value of Jiayuan.com is $11.74 per share. Most importantly, in the interest of shareholders, now is the time for Jiayuan.com to disclose all the bids it has received to buy the Company. In filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Jiayuan.com has admitted it has received multiple bids but oddly without disclosing the identity of the bidders - nor the value of these bids. "To not disclose bids is detrimental to shareholders," said Peter Halesworth, Managing Partner at Heng Ren. "The sole purpose of the Special Committee is to optimize the value of a transaction for all shareholders. The possibility of these undisclosed bids being greater than the current bid is troubling."To preserve the trust of shareholders, and fulfill their fiduciary responsibility, Jiayuan.com's Board of Directors needs address this lack of disclosure as soon as possible."

$世纪佳缘(DATE)$ $陌陌(MOMO)$ $当当网(DANG)$ $奇虎360(QIHU)$ $海王星辰(NPD)$ $人人(RENN)$ $


2015-12-12 08:22
