美国恒润投资向海王星辰推荐“双十”策略 希望扭转亏损

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1)     加速关闭门店:
    通过分析,若在2013年关闭额外的10%的门店,可以使公司的营业利润率从2013年实际的0.9%增加到5.7%,每股收益从$0.01增加到$     0.08。

2)     减少人员配备
    通过分析,若在2013年减少10%的药剂师,可以使公司的营业利润率从2013年实际的0.9%增加到4.3%,每股收益从$0.01增加到$     0.03。

3)     同时加速关闭门店以及减少人员配备:
   通过同时关闭额外10%门店以及减少10%药剂师,可以使公司营业利润率从2013年实际0.9%增加到9.2%,每股收益从$0.01增加到$     0.11。


    一心堂的业绩很好的回馈了股东。自从2014年7月的IPO以来,一心堂的股价已经上升了346%。(¥12.20 – ¥54.4). 此策略建议海王星辰将总部城市深圳作为中心发展。一心堂的优势是明显的:




U.S. Fund Recommends “10-10” Plan for Urgent Nepstar Turnaround
A U.S. fund is encouraging China Nepstar Chain Drugstore (NYSE: NPD) to implement six changes to increase the value of the company after five-straight quarters of losses and a 91% fall from its IPO.

The fund and shareholder, Heng Ren Investments LP, based in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, has written a letter to Nepstar Chairman Mr. Simin Zhang with six recommendations. The following three recommendations focus on Heng Ren’s “10 – 10” plan for Nepstar’s profitability:

1)   Accelerate Store Closings – A 10% reduction in stores in 2013 – the latest audited results used for this analysis - would have increased operating margin to 5.7% (vs. 0.9% actually reported in 2013), with earnings per share (EPS) of $0.08 (vs. $     0.01 reported in 2013).

2)   Reduce Staffing Levels – A 10% reduction in pharmacists would have increased the operating margin to 4.3% (vs. 0.9%), with EPS of $0.03 (vs. $     0.01).

3)   Combined “10-10” Store Closings and Staff Cuts – A 10% reduction in stores, combined with a 10% reduction in pharmacists, would have increased operating margin to 9.2% (vs. 0.9%), and EPS of $0.11 (vs. $     0.01 actual).
Heng Ren’s complete letter to Nepstar can be read in both Chinese and English in the attached files.

A swing to greater profitability is well within Nepstar’s reach. This level of operating margin is achievable because peers in China are already delivering it. One example is regional drug store chain Yunnan Hongxiang Yixintang Pharma Co. Ltd. (Shenzhen: 002727). “YXT” achieved 7.5% operating margin in 2013 with a regional strategy focused on Yunnan Province in southwest China, home to 75% of its 2,400 drug stores.

YXT’s stock price performance has generously rewarded its investors. Since its IPO in July 2014, YXT’s stock (as of February 12) has appreciated by +346% (¥12.20 – ¥54.4). This is a strategy for Nepstar to emulate in southern China near its headquarters in Shenzhen。

The benefits YXT enjoys from its strategy are obvious compared to Nepstar:

If Nepstar would have implemented Heng Ren’s “10-10” plan for turnaround, Nepstar would have compared favorably with YXT: 

To achieve these improved results, Heng Ren recommends a strategic review be conducted immediately by Nepstar’s board, and that our recommendations be implemented. Heng Ren intends to begin communicating and meeting with shareholders immediately. They also will consider conducting public shareholder forums. The purpose is to have shareholders review Nepstar’s record for themselves, and consider Heng Ren’s recommendations.

Heng Ren expects many shareholders will be sympathetic to its recommendations and will appreciate the initiative to advise Nepstar on how to generate sustainable profitability. Heng Ren looks forward to collaborating with all shareholders, including Nepstar management, to take actions that are in the best long-term interests of the company and its shareholders.

$九洲大药房(CJJD)$    $西维斯(CVS)$    $来德爱(RAD)$    $沃尔格林(WAG)$    $第一医药(SH600833)$    $国药一致(SZ000028)$    $英特集团(SZ000411)$    $一心堂(SZ002727)$    $海王星辰(NPD)$   $中国ETF-PowerShares Gldn Drago(PGJ)$


2015-03-12 22:45

估计你没进去过中国海王星辰的药店调研过 其实集团公司根本不在乎药店是否赚钱,只要不亏太多就行了。海王星辰药店大量销售并积极推销海王星辰母公司品牌一至两百元一瓶的保健品,这才是肥水

2015-03-12 22:19

$海王星辰(NPD)$ Q4 2014 China Nepstar Chain Drugstore Ltd Earnings Call。欢迎大家就我公司向海王星辰提出的建议,和管理层进行交流。