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哈萨克斯坦是世界上最大的铀矿开采国,目前正在“积极开展工作”,以促进对美国能源公司的铀出口。当地时间周二,该国能源部表示与美国参议员Steve Daines会面时讨论了能源领域的合作。哈萨克斯坦已经与Southern Co.、星座能源公司和杜克能源公司签订了到2032年的铀产品供应合同。随着世界各国政府转向核电以应对气候变化,供应缺口不断扩大,需求不断增加,人们对这种金属的兴趣激增。此外,美国正考虑禁止进口俄罗斯浓缩铀,这提高了潜在替代供应商的吸引力。

Kazakhstan, the world’s largest uranium miner, is conducting “active work” to boost exports of the metal to U.S. energy companies.

The country’s energy ministry said cooperation in the energy sector had been discussed at a meeting with U.S. Senator Steve Daines on Tuesday. The nation already has contracts to supply uranium products until 2032 with firms including Southern Co., Constellation Energy Corp. and Duke Energy Corp., it said.

Interest in the radioactive metal has surged amid a growing supply gap and increased demand as governments worldwide turn to nuclear power to counter climate change. In addition, the US is looking to ban imports of enriched Russian uranium — the kind used to fuel nuclear reactors and weapons — raising the appeal of potential alternative suppliers.

#今日话题# #铀矿股# #碳中和# $中广核矿业(01164)$ $Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ $铀矿ETF-Global X(URA)$