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$永胜医疗(01612)$ 只見游資進入賭場 不見機構進場


2020-07-10 13:08

中線睇好游資嚟嗰絕地大反擊 食埋基石大股東啲貨

2020-07-10 10:22

喺依度要隆重感謝金水兄 vinn嘅啟蒙[跪了]

2020-07-10 10:08

我諗短期見頂喇 升得太癲
東方資產開始出貨 佢fatfat lor

2020-07-03 21:07

CROSBY Research - Vincent Medical (1612 HK/BUY): Fleets of machines promise lucrative recurring income 03 Jul 2020Good progress in getting overseas recognition
Vincent Medical’s (VM) share price had a good run since our latest report on Jun 19th, up >2x reaching its 3-years high. We believe there is still more room for upside given the widespread of COVID-19 pandemic is still not under control in certain countries............ 
Crosby Research - Vincent Medical (1612 HK/BUY): VM’s growth will outlive the virus 27 Apr 2020We resume coverage with BUY rating on Vincent Medical (VM) with a TP of HK$1.17, which tags to 15x FY21 PE, offering 50% upside. While we hope the exceptional growth this year will be one-off as we certainly do not want the virus to stay, but we still project FY19-FY22 earnings CAGR of 41.3% for the company on the back of expanded client portfolio and recurrent revenue base. Given that VM is a 23-year veteran in respiratory equipment and supplies, the company’s products are benefited from the COVID-19 epidemic. The company’s key products include humidifier for ventilators and disposables, such as breathing circuits and filters.
人地4月27set1.17目標價 兩嗰交易日就嚟股價翻一翻? cinda6月10出報告 set1蚊目標價 券商報告威力都不及游資 游資futu ib走幾轉 踢嗰股價上去 兩日就幫啲we7囡囡出貨 抄考張士佳sky sir之前出post威力 無記錯4月4 imoney望過佢寫依隻嘢 3棍抽上去 最近,依輪又嚟疫苗轉去剛需呼吸機嘅祝福 今日11%轉手率就要看游資的定價權 未來日子可以參考佢嗡完4月8日單日16%轉手率之後走勢 拭目以待