发布于: 雪球转发:0回复:2喜欢:1
俞敏洪:As the clear market leader in K-College online education market in China we were pleased to see a 180% increase in online users to over 410,500 and a 51% increase in paid online enrollments to over 50,400 in the first quarter.//谁能告诉我这段话是啥意思?俞敏洪说的是新东方哪块业务?
2014-10-24 16:29
$新东方(EDU)$ 悲催的季报,虽然上份季报已经把这个季度的业绩下调得非常低了,但是今天公布的这份季报,也太惨了
Total net revenues increased by 1.4% year-over-year to US$394.0 million for the first fiscal quarter of 2015, reflecting a number of previously disclosed headwinds d...


2014-10-24 17:47
