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回复@老农鲁庶:关于中国市场的出货量,英利电话会议里说到了几点:1、In the third quarter, our committed volumes to China represent around 40% of our total shipments exceeding our cumulative shipments as of the second quarter of this year. From June to August, we delivered 110 megawatts of PV modules to Huanghe Hydropower for two of their projects in Qinghai province;2、Outside of utility segment, we have been actively involved in Golden Sun program, to which we supplied approximately 20 megawatts in the third quarter;老农问的是这个吗?其他更详细的,可以请@王毓明 来解读下
2011-11-24 07:34
【中国光伏市场要爆发了吗?】昨日$英利绿色能源(YGE)$Q3季报称该单季度来自中国市场的出货量超过2011年6月30日以前的所有累计总和,花旗集团分析师 Timothy Arcuri 表示看好英利三季度对中国的出货量,而英利高管对2012年中国的市场预期是3GWs。昨日英利逆势大涨11%,中概光伏集体上攻,i美股...


2011-11-24 08:08

回复 @Ricky: 谢谢,我关注的就是这个,光伏的产能太大,而原来的需求缩减了。国内的政府投资项目又一下子上不来,新能源规划中对光伏的计划及总投资还是较小,反转现在说不上,可能只是反弹。