9月16日活动邀请 | 可持续金融机遇与挑战——用ESG撬动价值

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钟颖贤 女士  Winnie Chung —— 晨星Sustainalytics大中华区高级业务经理 

钟颖贤女士为晨星Sustainalytics大中华区高级业务经理。她与亚太地区的团队合作,发展和带领我们的可持续发展企业解决方案业务,并作为券商和贷款者的可信顾问,协助他们将可持续发展金融解决方案纳入其产品。在加入晨星Sustainalytics之前,钟颖贤女士在香港和中国内地有超过四年的可持续发展顾问经验。她曾在香港一家领先的环境、社会和治理(ESG)咨询服务提供商低碳亚洲担任经理,并在中国杭州的Maker SustainabilityConsulting担任顾问。钟颖贤女士在伦敦大学学院获得可持续资源经济学、政策和转型的硕士学位,并在香港浸会大学获得工商管理学士学位。 

Winnie Chung, Senior Associate, Sustainalytics Corporate Solutions, Hong Kong

Winnie is the Senior Associate from Hong Kong region where she’s work withthe team in the APAC region to grow and lead our Sustainable CorporateSolutions Business and act as a trusted advisor to underwriters and lenders onhow to integrate sustainable finance solutions into their product offering. Priorto joining Sustainalytics, Winnie has over four years of experience working insustainability consultancy in both Hong Kong and Mainland China. She workedas ESG Solutions Manager for Carbon Care Asia, a leading provider of ESGconsultancy services in Hong Kong and as a Consultant in Maker SustainabilityConsulting in Hangzhou, China. Winnie holds a master’s degree in SustainableResources Economics, Policy and Transition in University College London and abachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Hong Kong BaptistUniversity. 


房向先生  Edward Fang —— 路博迈基金ESG研究总监 


Edward Fang, Head of Neuberger Berman’s ESG research 

Edward Fang is the head of Neuberger Berman’s ESG research and leads firm wideeffort to incorporate ESG risk and opportunities into investment process for ChinaFMC. Before joining the firm in 2022, Edward worked for global investmentconsulting firm Mercer, responsible for its China ESG investment-related business.He engaged with policymakers on ESG disclosure and regulatoryclassification, andworked closely with PRI and other initiatives on ESG guidelines and stewardshipcode. He also provided manager selection consulting service for Asset Ownerclients on strategy with ESG integration. Prior to that, Edward worked for CIB fund,a local FMC, where he was responsible for fund-of-fund investment and helpedmanage institutional clients’ delegated assets. He also worked as a productspecialist for Gopher Asset Management Company, a local Private FundManagement Company. Edward is certified FRM holder. He holds a Master’sdegree in Finance from Saint Joseph's University in Pennsylvania. 

金冀安  PatrickJin —— 晨星Sustainalytics大中华区业务副总监 


Patrick Jin, Associate Director, Sustainalytics Corporate Solutions

Patrick joins the SCS Team focusing on Mainland China. Based in Shanghai, heprimarily leads the commercial development forSustainalyticsand Morningstar inChina, acting as a trusted advisor to underwriters, lenders and corporates on howto integrateSustainalyticsCorporate Solutions into their product offering. He alsomonitors market developments, regulations and helps clients identify businessopportunities. Prior to joiningSustainalytics, Patrick focused on sectors such asInfrastructure, Urban Development, Oil & Gas, and supported on Chinese countryinvestment projects under B&R Initiative. Prior to joining Control Risks, Patrick hasworked in cross-sector industries and has accumulated experiences in publiccommunication, crisis management and business analysis. He also used to be ananalyst on Chinese policy issues at Xinhua News Agency in China, his articles haveappeared in the People's Daily,Cankaoxiaoxi, Asia Pacific Daily and specialistpublications. 

郑蔼珊 YutieCheng —— 恒生指数公司业务发展副总裁


YutieCheng, the Vice President , Business Development atHang SengIndexesCompany

She is currently responsible fordeveloping new sustainability solutions and initiatives for HSIL.Prior to joining HSIL,Yutiewas in the bank’s investment divisionto drive investment fund distribution business. She also workedin various banking divisions including Strategy Planning andCorporate Development, Digital Banking and InsuranceBusiness.Yutieholds a Bachelor of Science in EnvironmentalManagement and Technology from the Hong Kong University ofScience and Technology. She is also a CFA Institute ESGInvesting Certificate holder. 


张若海 Ruohai Zhang —— 中信证券研究所数据科技首席 


Ruohai Zhang,  the head of data technology at Citic Securities Research Institute.

His research direction of Digital Innovation includes: internally key leader for the design and development of the data center of the research department, industry data and expert atlas visualization platform; Externally, it is responsible for alternative data research, product design and product implementation of collaborative consumption, science and technology and medical industry. Responsible for the research of Citic Securities ESG scoring system, ESG investment strategy and ESG index product innovation. 


甘露颖女士 Luying Gan —— 汇丰亚太区可持续发展债券主管 

主要负责可持续发展金融的构建和推广工作。露颖曾在伦敦从事银行和资本市场方面的工作多年,一直在可持续发展金融的最前沿,曾为世界各地的工商企业,金融机构和政府发行绿色,社会和可持续发展和可持续发展挂钩债券及贷款。露颖曾参与多个里程碑式的绿色金融交易,包括香港,马兰西亚和韩国政府的绿色和可持续发展债券,建设银行可持续发展挂钩债券和麦格理银行绿色贷款。在加入2013年加入汇丰银行前,露颖曾在摩根士丹利和安永从事结构产品估值工作。甘露颖拥有伦敦政治经济学院( London School of Economics and Political Science)社会经济学硕士学位和中山大学金融学学士学位。甘露颖在2011年成为注册金融分析师,在2009年成为注册会计师。 

Luying Gan, Head of Sustainable Bonds, Debt Capital Markets, Asia-Pacific based inHSBC Hong Kong

She specializing in structuring Sustainable Bond and Loans across allsectors.   Before moving to Hong Kong Luying worked in London for many years,having been at the forefront of Sustainable Financing working with public andprivate entities in various jurisdiction.Luying has led many debut and landmark Sustainable Bond and Loan transactions,including Hong Kong, Republic of Malaysia and Republic of Korea Green andSustainability Bond, China Construction Bank’s Sustainability Linked bond, andMacquarie Bank Green loan. Luying helped elevates HSBC’s Sustainable Bondleague table position from #5 to #1.   Prior to joining HSBC in 2013, Luying worked in Morgan Stanley and EY, responsiblefor structured product valuation. Luying holds a Master’s degree from London School of Economics and PoliticalScience, and a Bachelor’s degree from Zhongshan University. Luying is a CFAcharterholdersince 2011 and a Chartered Accountant since 2009. 

唐少瑰 女士 Sharon Tang —— 药明生物副总裁、全球沟通及运营部、市场部和ESG负责人


Sharon Tang, the Vice President and Head of GlobalCommunications and Operations, Marketing & ESG atWuXiBiologics

She has over 25 years of professional experience inleading multinational companies in a wide range of industrieslikehigh-tech, chemical, pharmaceutical, and FMCG. Shemanaged their corporate reputation and brandtransformation in international and emerging markets. Mostrecently, she was the head of Corporate Communications andCSR for Hershey International and before that, she served asthe Vice President for Corporate Communications andMarketing Communications in Bayer Greater China. Sharonalso worked in Europe and North American markets whereshe delivered outstanding performance for companiesincluding Philips and Nortel in her earlier career. Sharon has a Master's Degree of Science in StrategicCommunications, from the University of Lugano, Switzerland;She also holds an MBA, as well as another Master of Arts, inComparative Literature. 


李蜚 FeiLi —— CDP全球环境信息研究中心中国副主任 

主要负责企业与供应链、自然资源保护等项目的开展以及合作伙伴关系拓展。 李蜚于2017年加入CDP,长期致力于提升企业环境风险意识和管理能力及ESG表现,探索如何通过绿色金融等手段推动中国企业可持续采购实践,以及环境友好供应链政策的制定。在加入CDP前,李蜚供职于联合国系统,分别在国际劳工组织(ILO)亚太局和中蒙局支持“绿色就业”项目;其后供职于联合国开发计划署(UNDP)全球环境基金小额赠款项目(GEF SGP),负责赠款审批和项目管理工作。李蜚本科就读于吉林大学环境科学系,拥有美国密歇根理工大学能源与环境政策和应用资源经济双硕士学位,曾在《Energy Strategy Reviews》等中外期刊发表多篇与可再生能源和碳排放交易相关文章。 

FeiLi, Associate DirectorCDP China 

Fei Li is the Associate Director of CDP China. Currently, he is supervising Corporate and SupplyChain(CSC)and natural resource conservation projects and leading partnershipdevelopmentin CDP China Office. Since he joined CDP in 2017, Fei Li has been working to raise the awareness and managementcapacity of companies in China, especially from the FMCG sector, towards environmental risksand their ESG performance. Also, he has explored how to use green finance mechanism toincentivize Chinese companies to introduce environmentally friendly supply chain policies andpromote sustainable procurement practices. Prior to joining CDP, Fei Li served various organizations of United Nations. He contributed to theimplementation of Green Jobs Project in ILO’s Asia Pacific Region. Later, he was responsiblefor grants approval and management for the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programin UNDP China Office. Fei Li graduated from Michigan Tech University with dual master's degrees in Environmental andEnergy Policy and Applied Nature Resource Economics. He published articles in Energy StrategyReviews and other International and Chinese journals on renewable energy and carbonemissions trading.    



晨星 $晨星(MORN)$  Sustainalytics】

晨星 Sustainalytics 是领先的独立 ESG 研究、评级和分析机构,帮助全球投资者制定和实施负责任投资战略。30多年以来,公司始终站在高质量创新解决方案的开拓前沿,以满足全球投资者不断变化的需求。目前,晨星Sustainalytics 已与数百家世界领先的资产管理公司和养老基金合作,将 ESG 和企业治理信息和评估纳入其投资流程。晨星 Sustainalytics 还与数百家企业及金融中介机构合作,帮助他们在政策、实践和投资项目中考虑可持续发展。晨星 Sustainalytics 在全球设有 17 个办事处,拥有 1200 多名员工,其中包括 500 多名分析师,覆盖40多个行业,拥有多学科专业知识。如需了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站

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