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$万丰奥威(SZ002085)$ 合同进展猜测!
The collaboration between Wanfeng Aircraft and Tesla regarding their Beijing contract is progressing with significant developments. Wanfeng Auto Wheel's aviation unit has formed a joint venture focused on developing electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicles (eVTOLs). This joint venture aims to advance the production, airworthiness certification, and market expansion of eVTOLs [[❞]](网页链接).
Although Wanfeng has not officially named Tesla as the partner due to confidentiality agreements, there are strong indications that Tesla is involved, given its recent trademark filings and interest in electric motors for aircraft [[❞]](网页链接). Tesla's CEO, Elon Musk, has previously expressed interest in eVTOL technology, suggesting that improvements in battery energy density are crucial for its feasibility [[❞]](网页链接) [[❞]](网页链接).
The joint venture is expected to leverage Wanfeng's extensive experience in aircraft manufacturing, potentially creating a new growth avenue for both companies in the urban air mobility sector [[❞]](网页链接).



05-24 19:03
