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$力劲科技(00558)$ zeekr009的大底盘部分,这是1.4米长,1.6米宽。超大吨位压铸机领域力劲当之无愧龙头地位
Chinese automaker Geely Adopts Tesla's "Giga Press" Manufacturing Technique,which saves time and money by allowing EVs to be built with many fewer body parts. It has plans to follow Tesla's lead, using a similar diecasting manufacturing technique for its Zeekr 009 MPV. The vehicle is a multi-purpose electric van that can seat up to six people.

Geely's manufacturing technology chief for the Zeekr, Jiang Kehong, has already confirmed that Geely is using the diecasting method to produce aluminum parts for the MPV's underbody.

According to Jiang, the automaker started looking into the technology in 2020 and gets its giant presses from LK, the Chinese company that bought IDRA in 2008. He said Zeekr's machines have a pressing power of 7,200 tons and they help pump out the 009's large underbody section, which is 1.4 m long and 1.6 m wide.

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