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$火币科技(01611)$ 大股东火币集团收购1611后,决定以上市公司平台申请所有合规牌照,就是要把合规和优质的资产逐步注入1611。获得4号,9号以及信托牌照后,火币资管业务开始启动,信托和火币钱包在紧锣密鼓筹备中,2021年9月之前还会拿到新的牌照,甚至先注入一点资产,做大市值后, 才吞得下火币global 交易所,坚定持股, 见证几十倍上涨空间。

Coinbase 最新IPO 估值280亿美金,2021年底火币科技的市值会是多少呢?

Coinbase, the American cryptocurrency exchange that is planning for an initial public offering (IPO), could be valued at $28 billion, according to research company, Messari.

This valuation estimation came hours after the California-headquartered company announced the submission of a draft registration statement on Form S-1 with the US securities market regulator, eying for a public listing.


2021-03-18 16:23


2021-01-07 18:21
