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艾克曼称不会放弃JC Penney

imeigu.com 2013-04-11 05:16:01 来源:新浪财经原文链接 

新浪财经讯 北京时间4月11日凌晨消息  激进投资者艾克曼(Bill Ackman)周三向《女性服装日报》表示,不会放弃 J.C. Penney(JCP)这只股票。艾克曼旗下的Pershing Square Capital Management持有17.8%的J.C. Penney的股票,是其最大的股东。

艾克曼表示,“我们哪都不去。事实上,我们正向相反的方向行动,我们还在买进股票。”这是艾克曼自J.C. Penney首席执行官Ron Johnson周一被董事会驱逐后首次公开发表评论。Johnson因为得到艾克曼的推荐而成为该公司首席执行官的。

艾克曼还投资了康宝莱(HLF)这只股票,但他是康宝莱的大空头。          (明煜)

Bill Ackman's Pershing Square sells entire JC Penney stakeMonday, 26 Aug 2013 |  4:04  PM ETCNBC.com 45 SHARES


    Scott Eelis | Bloomberg | Getty Images

Bill Ackman's Pershing Square has sold its entire stake in struggling department store retailer J.C. Penney, the company said in a statement and a filing.


The hedge fund had been the largest shareholder in the struggling retailer's stock, owning 39.1 million shares, or 18 percent of shares outstanding. Ackman's fund bought the shares at about $25, which means it stands to lose about $470 million, or about half of his initial investment.


Following the report, J.C. Penney shares dropped about 5 percent in after-hours trade before paring some losses. (Click here to track the company's stock.)


Pershing Square used Citigroup as the book runner for the deal. Citi will be offering shares at between $12.50 and $ 12.90, Dow Jones reported.


Brian Sozzi, CEO and chief equities strategist at Belus Capital Advisors, recalled that this isn't the first failed retail move for Ackman, whose investment in Target also soured.


                                                                                                                                                Pershing Square to sell entire JCP stake                          Monday, 26 Aug 2013 |  4:05  PM ET

"Retail boards should be very scared if he comes a-knockin', as unlike Carl Icahn, Ackman is a value destroyer," Sozzi said.


The decision comes two weeks after Ackman left the retailer's board after a fight over top management's direction. He built his stake in J.C. Penney three years ago, before handpicking former Apple executive Ron Johnson to lead the company.


Johnson was ousted after just a year, however, and the company brought in former CEO Mike Ullman.


In recent weeks, Ackman's relationship with J.C. Penney&# 39;s board has grown increasingly tense.


The board erupted into a fight over the retailer's future, as Ackman demanded a faster search for a CEO to replace Ullman and the board countered that he was being "disruptive and counterproductive."


J.C. Penney had no comment.