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回复@Chester要稳重: RESN 是一个高风险高回报的投资是肯定的。
不确定性因素非常多,而SWKS 之所以只是选择分四步和RESN 进行单一频率的开发测试 也是因为他们不肯定RESN 的技术是否真的可以应用到商业生产 同时真是性能稳定而价格又具备优势。

公司在IPO FILING 中的风险因素披露如下

Risks Related to Our Business

Our business is subject to numerous risks, which are highlighted in the section entitled “Risk Factors” immediately following this prospectus summary. Some of these risks include:

·                  our limited operating history makes it difficult to evaluate our business and prospects;

·                  we have an agreement with only one potential customer and we will most likely be depending on a small number of customers for a significant portion of our revenue in the future;

·                  we may not be able to complete a design that meets our potential customer’s specifications;

·                  even if we succeed in developing a design that meets all the specifications in our development agreement, our potential customer could decline to use our design in its product or our customer’s product could fail in the marketplace;

·                  we are a development stage company, have a history of operating losses and we may never achieve or maintain profitability; in addition, the report of our independent registered public accounting firm on our financial statements appearing at the end of this prospectus contains an explanatory paragraph stating that our liquidity risk raises substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern;

·                  our technologies are not yet verified in practice or on a commercial scale;

·                  laboratory conditions differ from commercial manufacturing conditions and field conditions, which could affect the effectiveness of our designs;

·                  our customers may rely on subcontractors to fabricate our circuit designs, and market acceptance of our designs could be adversely affected if the subcontractors decline to manufacture our designs;

·                  if our designs or our customers’ products that incorporate our designs do not achieve widespread market acceptance, we will not be able to generate the revenue necessary to support our business;

·                  our proprietary rights may be difficult to enforce, which could enable others to copy or use aspects of our solution without compensating us, thereby eroding our competitive advantages and harming our business;

·                  we may be subject to intellectual property rights claims by third parties, which are extremely costly to defend, could require us to pay significant damages and could limit our ability to use certain technologies;

·                  our industry is subject to intense competition and rapid technological change, which may result in products or new solutions that are superior to our designs under development or other future designs we may bring to market from time to time and if we are unable to anticipate or keep pace with


Table of Contents

changes in the marketplace and the direction of technological innovation and customer demands, our designs may become less useful or obsolete and our operating results will suffer; and

·                  if our principal end markets fail to grow or experience declines, our revenues may decrease.

SWKS 对于RESN 的最后一个MILESTONE 的要求是相当苛刻,既要有样品,又要有试验参数报告,同时还要在SWKS 指定供应商处能够试车满足封装和批量生产成功的要求,即便如此 最终SWKS 仍然可以在评估这一切之后 选择放弃使用RESN 的技术。而即便SWKS 开始选择试产单一SAW 芯片,如果在使用过程中出现了无法改善的问题,那么对于RESN 股价也是灾难。作为SWKS 现在涵盖一线 4G LTE智能手机 无线芯片市场份额,这种谨慎完全合理。
当然,高回报是 当一切的问题都是以YES 为最后的结果。 而高风险是 只要有一个环节掉链子,股价肯定雪崩。

RESN 的研发团队只有10人,在SAW 改良技术方面的研究也已经有接近10年,这样的规模 确实很难让人信服 他们能够有颠覆整个BAW FILTER 的技术。但是有一点也是乐观投资者所看到的,COFOUNDER TERRY LINGERN有9年QUALCOMM 和9年京瓷的高管背景,他们能够放弃安定的工作 而选择一个前途未卜的方向创业 ,如果一点成功的希望都没有 ,也是不可能的。

 RESN 的上市 也是从SCON 分拆后 上市融资 近1000万美金,而同样的疑问也存在:  为何不从VC 寻求研发资金, 而最终以上市融资的方式。

保守的投资人 宁可选择一切都明朗后再进场 尽管可能代价较高 但是仍然有很多的上升空间 同时风险也降低了。

另外你可以从IPO FILING 中看有关ISN 的相关设计原理以及和SWKS 协议中每个MILESTONE 的具体的实现目标。


至于你所提到的最大投资者的LONE WOLF HOLDING ,我并没有在如下链接中找到这样的投资者,如果你是从YAHOO 财经上看到的,他们的信息很多时候不准确网页链接//@Chester要稳重:回复@TigerinMotion:我说很坑是我google了一下他们说的ISN的东西,没找到任何一篇相关的论文和专利. 另外我搜了下他们的最大的股东之一Lone wolf holdings,感觉这就一皮包公司.
他们的两项核心东西,一个是改良的SAW取代BAW,一个是Tunable 的SAW,如果能成,那肯定是颠覆性的,但是我没找人任何技术方面的细节,具体他们是什么思路,不知道虎哥有没有了解.
RESN我第一感觉就是骗子公司,它的方案跟业内完全是不同的,但我又担心万一真是一群天才搞出个什么玩意,那我们这些公司都得玩完. 另外关于它和SKYWORK的合作,如果这么颠覆性,为什么没人收购它?为什么它通过IPO融资,而不是通过VC?这些疑问也希望虎哥解答一下.
2015-02-06 00:16
2015-02-05以$16买入$RESN(RESN)$。看好SAW 取代BAW 的成本优势 和未来 巨大的TUNABLE FILTER 的巨大商机 目标价格 160