Datadog, Inc.(DDOG)在RBC Capital Markets全球TIMT会议(交易记录)中发布了财务业绩。

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$Datadog, Inc.(DDOG)$


Datadog, Inc. (NASDAQ:DDOG) The RBC Capital Markets Global TIMT Conference Call November 14, 2023 1:20 PM ET

Company Participants

David Obstler - Chief Financial Officer

Conference Call Participants

Matthew George - RBC

Matthew George

We got a nice size group here. So I will work through some questions, and we’ll certainly allow some time for Q&A. And with a group like this one, we might get a question or two. So we’ll see. Get your questions ready now...

David Obstler

Ask questions.

Matthew George

Yes, please. So yes, queue them up, get them ready, we will get to that eventually. So yes, with us this afternoon slot, we’ve got David Obstler, CFO of Datadog; Yuka Broderick, IR down in front. Thank you, Yuka, for coming as well.

Question-and-Answer Session

Q - Matthew George

So I guess, David, for you, you guys came off really strong. There was a lot of concern [indiscernible]. You guys had really, really nice results. How do you feel about the macro trends you saw? You talked about them kind of post the quarter into October. Maybe bring us through the year because it’s been a little bit of an uneven year. Let’s talk about what you said through October.

David Obstler

Yes. We have a cloud-based consumption model. Our revenues are associated with monitoring cloud workloads, and that means that we’re correlated broadly to the workloads that are through the hyperscalers as well as how clients use the platform and all the tools. And we’ve been for well over a year in a cost management environment, Fed raising rates and things like that. And we’ve been talking for the last year-plus about the word optimization and clients managing their cost structure, not surprising. There was some very caffeinated growth in the period from 2021 into a little bit ‘22. And many of those companies that had – were cloud data and had expanded the most rapidly, have taken a crack at their cost structure. That’s because of the changes in their business. That’s because of all of you people moving from growth at all cost to a balance. It’s going to happen. And so that resulted in some pressure on our existing customers use of the platform.

I think we talked over a year ago about a cohort of cloud-native, rapidly scaled in some affected industries. And that group had moderated their usage. And what we said last quarter was that we started to see signs of some stabilization in that cohort. And in this quarter, we said that happened. So the most intense period of the optimization that we’ve seen to date was in the middle of Q2. And that relieved itself a little bit. And then we said across the whole customer base, there is an overall cost management, so there’s more focus on cost. And while the rest of the customer base, even down into the SMB, and hasn’t been affected as much, there was an overall sort of management reducing the rate of growth of consumption of the platform. So we said on the earnings call that we’re not declaring the end of this period. We think there’ll still be optimization, always is, but that some of the most intense areas had abated and some of them have even begun to grow a little bit. So that’s sort of updating everybody on what we’ve been through.

Matthew George

We, I just – we had a keynote we talked about some of these trends. And I think the term that we talked about at lunch was cloud – being cloud smart. And as you talk to sort of customers, I mean it’s a journey, right? But like, I mean you said like this period of most intense optimization has at least settled out a little bit here. And even when you talk – is there a way to sort of quantitatively think about if I was spending X, now I’m doing this, and like this is the new baseline? Or like is there an opportunity, do you think, for sort of getting smarter even with cloud spend?

David Obstler

Yes. Yes, definitely. And that happens all the time. So this is just – so we’ve said that cloud allows you – one of the benefits of putting your applications on the cloud is that you can control burst-up conversion, you can manage capacity. And it’s much more flexible than a data center model when you’re invested in CapEx or in some ways a same model. And so that’s definitely one of the benefits. We find that our customers are always – were always looking for optimization projects. It’s just that in that period of emphasis on growth, and not on smart cloud, a lot of the world would emphasize speed and putting capacity on and didn’t emphasize what they had done all along, which was optimizing that and looking at, as you say, cloud smart. So the word before that was cloud smart for the most part, and it looks like it’s returning to that. And I think the companies that had put an emphasis on their operations all along were cloud smart.

Matthew George

Yes. Interesting. And you said – so I think you made a comment a second ago, I know you made it on the earnings call, about some of the most heavily impacted customers were actually starting to maybe even do a little bit better and show some like, I don’t know, if you said acceleration, but even better trends there. Maybe talk about – was that because do you think they optimized almost too much and now they’re kind of coming back? Or what was the dynamic there?

David Obstler

Yes, the behavior there evidencing is they rightsized. Many of them – and we talked about signing contracts – our commitments with us and longer term. Many of them found the right equilibrium. One of the great things about our product is it’s sort of a must-have utility. So in – for the vast, vast majority, and you can see it in the gross retentions, it’s not a matter of turning it off, switching, insourcing, it’s a matter of calibrating the cost. And so we saw that activity, and then we saw a period of more commitment in there. And then I think we said, we saw some modest growth in that group. So we don’t know. We don’t know what’s going to happen next. But that likely means that for this cohort, which is the most impacted, the weight down the decal and maybe even to cutting their costs probably is easing.

Matthew George

Even one of the things that we look at for you guys and other consumption model, everybody – we’re on the edge of our chairs on AWS, Azure, GCP prints. When you look at your numbers internally versus what those guys say and how correlated is – what kind of a correlation do you see? Like others, are you surprised when, I don’t know, pick GCP – pick a hyperscaler – when they say they’re sort of like more positive or sort of more negative comments or is [indiscernible]

David Obstler

Well, I would say, we’re correlated long-term because we’re correlated to cloud work. That’s okay. And we’re correlated to modern DevOps and cloud workloads. So lift and shift, picking monolithic legacy applications. Lifting isn’t a Datadog – isn’t what Datadog does. So I would make 3 comments. One, long-term, we’re correlated; two, the cloud – the hyperscalers have a much broader business than these modern workloads and most likely, AWS has more of their business in these type of workloads. And when you see some others and they announce it, they say there are lots of other things in here. There’s Microsoft Office, there’s G-Suite, etcetera. And we’re not correlated to that. So I think it’s not perfect. It’s directional. And then the other thing is it’s not timed perfectly because the vast majority of the expense is in the cloud, it’s many times. And what they do on their monitoring and the other parts of it that aren’t host-based pricing can have different timing. So directionally in long-term, it is correlated. And I know all of yous are trying to get daily correlation, and it’s not going to be that perfect because the cloud providers don’t give you the numbers and be able to do that. And it’s not a one-for-one minute correlation.

Matthew George


David Obstler

Datadog, Inc. (NASDAQ:DDOG) The RBC Capital Markets Global TIMT Conference Call November 14, 2023 1:20 PM ET

Company Participants

David Obstler - 首席财务官

Conference Call Participants

Matthew George - RBC

Matthew George


David Obstler

Sure, feel free to ask any questions you have and I'll do my best to help you!

Matthew George

是的,请。是的,排队准备好,我们最终会处理这些。是的,在今天下午的时间段,我们有Datadog的首席财务官David Obstler;还有IR的Yuka Broderick,前面坐着。谢谢你也来了,Yuka。

Question-and-Answer Session

Q - Matthew George


David Obstler

是的。我们有一种基于云的消费模式。我们的收入与监控云工作负载相关联,这意味着我们与超级规模操作者广泛相关,并且与客户如何使用平台和所有工具相关联。一个多年来,我们一直处于成本管理环境中,联邦加息等因素也给我们带来了一定影响。在过去一年多的时间里,我们一直在谈论优化这个词和客户管理他们的成本结构,这并不奇怪。从 2021 年到 2022 年初,期间出现了一些非常快速的增长。那些在云数据方面扩张最迅速的许多公司都开始审视他们的成本结构。这是由于他们业务的变化所致,也是因为大家从只追求增长到追求平衡。这是一种必然。所以,这导致我们现有客户对平台的使用产生了一些压力。


Matthew George

我们在一次主题演讲中谈到了一些这些趋势。我认为我们在午餐时谈到的术语是云- 云智能。当你与客户交谈时,我觉得这是一个旅程,对吧?但像你所说的,最集中的优化期至少在这里有所缓和。即使在谈到- 有没有一种方法可以从定量上来思考,比如我过去花了 X,现在我做了这个,这是新的基准?或者说,你认为在云支出方面有可能变得更智能吗?

David Obstler


Matthew George


David Obstler


Matthew George


David Obstler

嗯,我想说,我们从长远来看存在相关性,因为我们与云工作有关。这没关系。而且我们与现代DevOps和云工作负载有关。因此,举起和转移,选择单片遗留应用程序是不是 Datadog 做的事情。所以我会发表3点看法。一,从长远来看,我们是有相关性的;二,云计算 - 超大规模云服务提供商拥有比这些现代工作负载更宽泛的业务,很可能,AWS 在这种类型的工作负荷中拥有更多的业务。当你看到一些其他供应商宣布的时候,他们会说这里面还有很多其他的东西。有 Microsoft Office,有 G-Suite,等等。而我们与此并无关联。所以我认为这并不完美。它是朝着某个方向的。还有一件事是,它的时机不够完美,因为云计算中绝大部分的支出需要很长时间。以及他们在监控和其他部分不是基于主机定价可以有不同的时机。所以从长远来看,它在方向上是有相关性的。我知道你们都在努力获取每日的相关性,但是这并不会那么完美,因为云服务提供商并不会提供给你数字和能够做到这一点。而且它不是一对一的分钟相关性。

Matthew George


David Obstler