$格力电器(SZ000651)$ 召回处理极缓慢$通用电气(GE)再加$35万台

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美国《消费者》 1-30-2014


如果你拥有通用电气GE的抽湿机,现在是对照一下工厂序号和款式的时候了-据报告显示,格力在2008年4月和2011年12月期间为通用电气GE制造的抽湿机,约35万台,均有可能过热和导致着火的现象。众所周知,前不久格力为美国市场制造的各著名品牌抽湿机都因为同样的原因已经被遭到召回,品牌包括De’Longhi,Frigidaire, and Kenmor,召回数量高达220万台,据顾客反映,召回处理的节奏非常缓慢,效率也非常不理想。





Gree Adds 21 Models Of GE Dehumidifiers To Massive, SlowRecall
If you have a GE dehumidifier in your home, time to checkthe serial number: Gree Electric Appliances has recalled 350,000 dehumidifierssold between April 2008 and December 2011 because they could potentiallyoverheat and cause a fire. If this recall sounds familiar, it should:Gree already recalled 2.2 million dehumidifiers sold under brandnames that you might recognize like De’Longhi, Frigidaire, and Kenmore.Customers have complained to Consumerist that this recall has been slowand crappy.

The biggest complaint that readers have about the recallis that the checks are very, very slow. They complain that their checks stillaren’t here four months after sending in their information, and at least onereader’s submission has disappeared entirely.

Once the checks arrive, they’re small and insufficient.Large dehumidifers aren’t cheap–the recalled Gree models cost between $180 and$270, so customers. Checks generally don’t cover the entire amount thatconsumers paid for their appliances, and in many municipalities, consumers haveto pay a recycling fee for appliances of this size.

Anyway, check the list of recalled GE models ifyou have one in your home. If you have any dehumidifiers at all that you’vebought in the last six years or so, you should probably check the recalllist just in case.


2014-02-06 16:53

很有意思,不是GE召回,而是格力在召回。格力扮演的角色?ODM还是OEM? 不管是哪种角色,产品肯定是通过GE的检测,而且也肯定通过各种安全认证了。我的理解是这些潜在设计风险是格力,GE都没有认识到,也包含安规认证的机构。同时格力似乎在告诉北美的消费者有一家公司叫格力电器,希望你们从现在开始认识她。