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$长实集团(01113)$ 對長實集團一些項目的入帳估算,作個參考


2018-11-08 20:02

I have studied this company recently . The steady cash flow from rental income, infrastructure, aircraft leasing, hotels and dividen from the REIT is about 15b every year.
And the renatal income will increase 0.9b by redeveloping of the “Horizon” series hotels. The Hutchison house will furnish 0.6b increased in rental income as well. Hence, 20b steady cash flow is possible in2023.

2020-11-16 16:01


2018-11-08 19:53

謝師兄, 師兄估計今年下半年賣樓能收多少? 有五十億估計己很高興了

2018-11-08 19:44

算一算 2019 年入帳利潤,香港賣樓入帳 130 億,租金、飛機、房託、基建利潤 130 億,中國賣房給個30億利潤,預算能入帳290 億利潤,對應目前2000億市值。另公司有超過1000億閒置投資能力 (APA 460 億,借出的100億,賣房回收 300 億,融資能力),市弱時能有抄底。

2018-11-08 19:34

Yeah, my data is merely according to my memory. But the construction fee for luxurious is undercast for sure. Btw just a rational discussion

2018-11-08 19:07

First point the data is not up to date. Second the average floor area per flat near 300 is quite make sense as the average living area is around 75 sq ft and the family unit is around 3 only.

2018-11-08 18:07

Construction cost for Luxurious will be around 10000 per sq actually. But the material used by ck will be cheaper, thus, can tale a 10% lower

2018-11-08 18:03

4000 construction cost is realmy cheap
Public house is almost 3000. I deem that taking 6000 would be more suitable.

2018-11-08 18:01
