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$珩湾科技(01523)$ 中期业绩会问答记录


2018-07-31 22:03

Additional info.: (Noted from orally, content may not be accurate.)

New services/goods for sale growth:
(1) Cloud service
(2) FusionSIM
(3) IoT Cloud will be launched in the second half of this year

About Trade Conflict Impact:
(1) Mainly manufacturing process re-locates in Taiwan.
(2) Trade War has not a great impact to harm the future sales as they are focusing on the fields of public safety, education, branches, IoT, etc., which can drive the sales growth continuously.
(3) The situation likes the financial crisis in 2008, they had great sales growth in 2009 as enterprises looked on the lower cost for IT development.

However, expected sales growth is changed from 25-30% to 20-25% because of the uncertainty situation in trade conflict in the future.