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MY Obtains Approval to Develop and Operate 300MW Off-Shore Wind Power Project in Jiangsu Province
China Ming Yang Wind Power Group Limited
2 hours ago

ZHONGSHAN, China, June 5, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- China Ming Yang Wind Power (MY) ("Ming Yang" or the "Company"), today announced its subsidiary, Jiangsu Mingyang Wind Power Technology Limited, ("Jiangsu Mingyang"), has been approved by Rudong Energy Bureau in Jiangsu Province, China, to exclusively develop and operate a 300MW off-shore wind power project off the coast of Rudong in Jiangsu Province, China, subject to certain conditions.

"This marks an important milestone in Ming Yang's off-shore strategy in China," commented Mr. Chuanwei Zhang, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ming Yang. "Ming Yang expects to continue to leverage the off-shore opportunity in China and deliver our innovative Super Compact Drive ("SCD") wind turbine generators as an effective solution for off-shore wind power projects in China and beyond."
