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在$68.11时关注$Gen Probe(GPRO)$。Gen-Probe Incorporated engages in the development, manufacture, and marketing of molecular diagnostic products and services that are used primarily to diagnose human diseases and screen donated human blood. Its women’s health product line includes APTIMA Combo 2 assay, APTIMA CT, APTIMA GC assays, and PACE family of assays to detect chlamydia and gonorrhea; APTIMA Trichomonas ASRs to detect trichomonas; APTIMA HPV assay to detect 14 sub-types of high-risk HPV associated with cervical cancer; and AccuProbe Group B Streptococcus (GBS) assay to detect GBS from culture. The company’s infectious diseases product line comprises ProFlu+ to detect influenza A, B and Respiratory syncytial virus; ProFAST+ to detect and differentiate influenza A, seasonal H1, H1N1, and seasonal H3; ProGastro Cd to detect toxigenic strains of clostridium difficile; AMPLIFIED MTD to detect mycobacterium tuberculosis; GAS Direct to detect gas directly from a throat swab; APTIMA HIV-1 and APTIMA HCV assays to detect RNA from HIV-1 and hepatitis C virus; and ASRs for quantitative HCV testing. Its blood screening products include Procleix HIV-1/HCV, Procleix Ultrio, Procleix Ultrio Plus, and Procleix WNV assays to detect HIV-1, HCV, HBV, and west nile virus in donated blood, plasma, organs, and tissues. The company’s transplant diagnostics products comprise LIFECODES HLA DNA typing kits; LIFECODES antibody kits; PF4 Enhanced ELISA for the detection of PF4 heparin-dependent antibodies; and Pak family of products for platelet antibody screening and detection. It also provides instrumentation and software for performing NAT assays; and genetic testing products, such as PROGENSA PCA3 and PCA3 ASRs to detect the PCA3 genes. The company serves reference laboratories, public health institutions, and hospitals through its direct sales force in United States, Canada, and Europe, as well as through distributors internationally. Gen-Probe was founded in 1983 and is headquartered in San Diego, California.