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$云南锗业(SZ002428)$ $驰宏锌锗(SH600497)$

全球最大的红外成像企业FLIR ,营业收入超过20亿美元, 2021年TELEDYNE以82亿美元收购了FLIR 。



Double-digit sales growth in each of X-ray products, FLIR surveillance systems and space-based infrared imaging detectors offset a significant year-over-year decline in sales of industrial imaging systems and Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, or MEMS. Fourth quarter sales of unmanned systems were at the greatest level in 2023 and but declined year-over-year due to a tough comparison.

For the second quarter in a row, the FLIR business collective fleet were positive contributors to overall segment margin. In addition, FLIR quarterly sales increased year-over-year and were at the highest level in the last 2 years.



Within the Digital Imaging segment, year-over-year sales declined due to significantly lower sales of machine vision sensors and cameras related to industrial automation. However, this was partially offset by organic growth and significant margin improvement at Teledyne FLIR, given our unmanned system businesses, growth and the resiliency of our core Infrared Imaging businesses.

On the other hand, unmanned air systems, unmanned ground systems, and integrated counter-drone systems collectively increased nearly plus 30%. Other year-over-year changes were less significant, but included continued growth in our space-based imaging business, resilient sales in healthcare and FLIR's core infrared and maritime businesses, and declining sales of semiconductor-related micro electrical mechanical systems, or MEMS. As Robert mentioned, the FLIR businesses grew organically and for the third consecutive quarter were positive contributors to overall segment margin. Finally, segment orders were healthy with a first quarter book-to-bill of 1.06 times.