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$GT Advanced(GTAT)$
wsj newest article

Judge Henry Boroff dispatched a court official into the courtroom during a recess to bar the public and creditors who had assembled for the debut hearing in GT’s Chapter 11 case, while GT and Apple talk things over.

The judge didn't explain his reasoning, and court staff didn't respond before Thursday’s court session to inquiries from The Wall Street Journal about opportunities to register a protest over GT’s motion to seal the documents that explain what went wrong between GT and Apple.

GT’s unprecedented double-secrecy motion was filed at about 1 a.m. Thursday.


2014-10-10 03:51

Gtat在file ch11的时候连这点都想到了! 真佩服他们的管理层啊!

2014-10-10 02:31

Something is going on.  This level of secrecy on the 1st day hearing is highly unusual.  My guess is that it will lead to a long litigation process between GTAT and Apple.

2014-10-10 02:19


2014-10-10 02:12
