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回复@罗得岛修墙工: 你说的很有道理啊哈哈哈哈哈//@罗得岛修墙工:回复@飞刀猩猩诸法空:鸡汤都不是,只能算毒奶,而且似是而非无法自洽,hope对于死人有个鬼的意义,还ONLY hope,鬼扯,骗人,说这话的军官应该自己去冲锋。
2023-12-13 16:46
They just don't see how simple it is.
You know why you hide in that ditch?
Not because you're scared.We are all scared.
You hid in that ditch because you think there's till hope.
But the only hope you have is to accept the fact
that you are al...


2023-12-13 17:23
