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$中星微电子(VIMC)$ 瞎写写哈
如果利润可以以40%的速度增长两年,20%的速度增长3年,随后以3%的速度稳定增长;设RiskFree Rate为4%(按余额宝来算),GDP Rate是7%,7%,6%,6%,6%,等的增长;不太会算自由现金流。所以我取了个拍脑袋的 利润×0.68来得出自由现金流。感觉中星微应该可以站在 6.6×2.82=18元左右。


2014-12-08 15:20

总体来说, 觉得 中星微的基本面在逐渐走好。 注意, 是觉得。 虽然种种表明中星微基本面走好,但是钱,聪明钱,离开还是说明了一定有什么地方, vimc遇到困难,只是不为人知而已。 那些台面上的新闻, 消息, 未必能真的反应出来, 反而是众所周知的消息。 不涨肯定有点道理在里边。
不过中星微的体量, 被收购的可能性还是有的吧, 特别是民族化美帝上市公司的作风。

2014-12-04 23:54

"We are pleased to have won the competitive bid in Xiaodianqu District in Taiyuan City to supply SVAC-compliant video surveillance system and products," commented Dr. John Deng, Vimicro'sChairman and Chief Executive Officer. "The winning of this bid is a testament of expanded SVAC-compliant video surveillance system roll-out from municipalities to districts in Shanxi Province. As the only proven provider of SVAC technology and solutions in the marketplace, Vimicro will continue to leverage its first-mover advantages to capitalize on the megatrend of SVAC national standard adoption, to further establish itself in China's video surveillance market."

2014-12-04 23:33


2014-12-04 23:00


2014-12-04 22:36