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Scale Economics Shared

“Nomad’s firms are, on average, so cost advantaged compared to many of their competitors that the worse it gets for the economy, the better it gets for our firms from a competitive position.”
“The simple deep reality for many of our firms is the virtuous spiral established when companies keep costs down, margins low and in doing so share their growing scale with their customers. In the long run this will be more important in determining the destination for our firms that the distractions of the day.”
“Scale Economics Shared operations are quite different. As the firm grows in size, scale savings are given back to the customer in the form of lower prices. The customer then reciprocates by purchasing more goods., which provides greater scale for the retailer who passes on the new savings as well. Yippee. This is why firms such as Costco enjoy sales per foot of retailing space four times greater than run-of-the-mill supermarkets. ‘Scale economics shared’ incentivises customer reciprocation, and customer reciprocation is a super-factor in business performance.”
"In the office we have a white board on which we have listed the (very few) investment models that work & we can understand. Costco is the best example we can find of one of them: scale efficiencies shared. Most companies pursue scale efficiencies, but few share them." - Nick Sleep
#瑞幸咖啡# $瑞幸粉单(LKNCY)$


06-01 16:06

Maximizing profits do not always lead to the best long term outcomes. Instead reducing profits is a way to make yourself “hard to compete” against.

05-29 20:21

BYD 在这里会是一个相对特殊的例子,基于科技的经济分享.
2000km,46.06%,2.9L, 9.98w
Most companies pursue scale efficiencies, but few share them